FAO in China

CFETPV Steering Committee finalizing the Action Plan for 2017

In the framework of the China Field Epidemiology Training Program for Veterinarians (CFETPV), the 14th Steering Committee Meeting of the CFETPV was held on 16 January 2017 in Beijing. Dr Wang Gongmin, Deputy Director General of the Veterinary Bureau (VB) of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA); Dr Chen Guosheng, Director, Division of Science and Technology and International Cooperation of the VB, and his deputy Dr Zhao Xiaodan; Dr Kang Jingli from the China Animal Health and Epidemiology Center (CAHEC); and other members of the Steering Committee (SC) attended the meeting.


The meeting focused on reviewing the progress of the CFETPV in 2016 and finalizing the Action Plan for 2017. Major activities in 2017 are as follows: 1. Three training modules on outbreak investigation, surveillance and integration of application; 2. Train of trainers (ToT) workshops and capacity development of Chinese trainers; 3. Training for the senior management (FETPV-E); 4. Workshop on epidemiology application and case study development; 5. Training for university academics; 6. ‘One Health’ joint workshop.

With the CFETPV moving forward to its seventh year, to further enhance its sustainability, the program will focus on the development of veterinary epidemiology training materials adapted to the Chinese context. In addition, to maximize its impacts, CFETPV will engage China in the epidemiology development of the Asian region. In this regard, CFETPV plans to accept representatives from neighbouring countries to participate in training modules, contributing to the “One-Belt-One-Road” initiative of China. Furthermore, the MoA and FAO plan to jointly organize the 3rd Regional Meeting to Support and Sustain Veterinary Epidemiology Capacity in early September 2017, to promote the veterinary epidemiology development, as well as to enhance China’s role in animal health in Asia. The SC members also discussed about the 4th cohort trainees’ selection and recruitment of new Chinese trainers.