The WBF has produced audio-visual tools to strengthen health and safety among banana industry workers. This follows the official launch of the Manual on Health and Safety in the Banana Industry as a key activity in Ecuador. For more, click here.

The World Banana Forum (WBF) is a space where the main stakeholders of the global banana supply-chain work together to achieve consensus on best practices for sustainable production and trade. We believe collaboration is the key for progress.

Our mission is to:

  • Foster collaboration among stakeholders to produces pragmatic outcomes for the betterment of the banana industry; and
  • Build consensus on best practices regarding workplace issues, gender equity, environmental impact, sustainable production and economic issues.

The WBF brings together retailers, importers, producers, exporters, consumer associations, governments, research institutions, trade unions, and civil society organizations.

Need for Urgent Action

Bananas are the world’s most exported fresh fruit (US$10bn/year). They are an essential source of income for thousands of rural households in developing countries. However, the heavy reliance on agrochemicals in production and the decreasing prices for producers have given rise to significant environmental and social challenges. These can only be adequately addressed if all the stakeholders actively collaborate.

Working Groups

WG01 | Sustainable Production Systems and Environmental Impact

focuses on environmental sustainability

WG02 | Distribution of Value

focuses on economic sustainability

WG03 | Labour Rights

focuses on social sustainability

Working Groups

WG01 | Sustainable Production Systems and Environmental Impact

Focus on environmental sustainability

WG02 | Distribution of Value

Focus on economic sustainability

WG03 | Labour Rights

Focus on social sustainability


Cycling by items - 1 second interval, enabled pause on hover

  • AgroAmerica
  • Agrofair
  • Aldi
  • Aldi
  • AltroConsumo
  • Asbama
  • Ananas de Côte d’Ivoire
  • Asociación de Exportadores de Banano del Ecuador (AEBE)
  • Augura
  • Bama
  • Banafair
  • BananaLink
  • Banane de Guadaloupe & Martinique
  • Banelino
  • Bioversity
  • Chiquita
  • Colsiba
  • Compagnie Fruitière
  • Consumers International
  • Cirad
  • Dole
  • Earth University
  • Equifruit
  • Euroban
  • Fairtrade
  • Farmcoop
  • FHA
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Fyffes
  • Greenyard
  • International Labour Organization
  • Inibap
  • IPL
  • Le Basic
  • LiDL
  • Mack
  • Rainforest Alliance
  • Rewe
  • Sainsbury's
  • Solidaridad
  • Taste
  • Tesco
  • Wageningen University
  • WeWorld


World Banana Forum Secretariat
Mr Pascal Liu | Mr Victor Prada

Markets and Trade Division
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy

[email protected]

Phone: +39 06570 52218
Fax: +39 06570 54495