Action mondiale pour la lutte contre la chenille légionnaire d'automne


Year: 2020
Type: Guidance notes
Guia de política para acção imediata - Nota 5 de orientação sobre a Lagarta do funil do milho
Year: 2020
Type: Guidance notes
Nota de orientación 5 - Guía de políticas de acción temprana frente al gusano cogollero del maíz
Year: 2020
Type: Guidance notes
Note d’information 5 - La chenille légionnaire d’automne: Directives concernant l’intervention précoce
Year: 2020
Type: Reports
Report of the regional workshop for Asia: Sustainable management of fall armyworm
Year: 2020
Type: Reports
Multi-Stakeholder regional workshop in Africa:  Innovations for smallholder farmers for sustainable management of fall armyworm