Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

The global food system still benefits the rich at the expense of the poor


Like many problems in the global South, the global food system issues can be traced back to a colonial history. Back in 1989 two sociologists, Harriet Friedmann and Philip McMichael, developed a useful concept in their work on agrarian studies: Global food regimes. They described two key periods where the structure of the global food system enabled the uptake of Western-style capitalism and consumerism: the diasporic - colonial food regime of 1870–1914 and the mercantile-industrial food regime of 1947–1973. Friedmann went on to describe a potential third regime that we might find ourselves in now: the corporate-environmental regime. Please read on…….

Title of publication: The Conversation
Volumen: Not Applicable
N.0: Not Applicable
ISSN: Not Applicable
Intervalo de páginas: Not Applicable
Autor: Laura Pereira
Otros autores: None
Organización: Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN)
Otras organizaciones: AFAAS, UNFFE, AUC, FRA, PELUM, VLSA
Año: 2017
País(es): Uganda
Cobertura geográfica: África
Tipo: Artículo de revista especializada
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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