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Resource efficient rural economies

This edition of the EAFRD Projects Brochure looks at how resource efficiency is being supported in rural Europe. Resource efficiency means using natural resources in a sustainable way. It also means minimising the impact of human activities on the environment. The concept of resource efficiency is encapsulated in the idea of ‘doing more with less’. The examples highlighted in this edition focus on water and soil, two especially relevant resources for agriculture and rural development. Managing soils and water more efficiently is a strategic priority for Europe. Through the EU’s contribution to international accords such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals and through high-profile initiatives, such as Europe 2020 – the growth strategy that aims to make the EU a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy – a shift towards sustainable growth via a resource-efficient, low-carbon economy is taking place.

Editor: ENRD
Organización: European Network for Rural Development
Año: 2018
ISBN: 978-92-79-77260-3
País(es): European Union
Cobertura geográfica: Unión Europea
Tipo: Directrices
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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