Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Stratégies de résistance des agriculteurs familiaux face à l’avancée de l’agriculture capitaliste en Uruguay

 The resistance of family farmers facing agribusiness extension is reflected in unique economic, social and technical practices and strategies, which give them specific reproductive capacities. Our main hypothesis is that the action models behind the resistance of family farmers depend on the context of their situations, their projects and the values they associate with the farming profession and are historically located and collectively produced. We have developed a comprehensive approach and mobilized the concept of habitus to identify and study the practices and strategies of resistance. From economic, symbolic, educational and inheritance macro-practices (fields) we have identified three types of resistance: “Preserve the autonomy of the peasant family”, “Transmitting the family legacy”, “Staying in the social network”. The habitus allows family farmers to build and maintain a “peasant” family logic and define the “profession” of the farmer. This last dimension remains to be further explored.

Title of publication: HAL Archives Ouvertes
Autor: Virginia Rossi, Veronica Filardo, Eduardo Chia
Organización: HaL Archives Ouvertes
Año: 2020
País(es): Uruguay
Cobertura geográfica: América Latina y el Caribe
Tipo: Artículo de revista especializada
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: French

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