Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Fruit tree seedlings headed for Kyrgyzstan schools

Semi-dwarf fruit tree seedlings will be planted this spring on the grounds of eight middle schools in the Chui Valley of Kyrgyzstan. Each school will receive 200 apple, plum, peach and cherry seedlings under an FAO pilot project in partnership with Roza Otunbayeva’ International Public Foundation.

More than 3,000 school children will get nutritional benefits, as vitamin-rich fruit compote becomes part of their children’s school lunches. Financing for the five pilot schools is made possible by a special FAO fund, fed by contributions from individuals and private groups around the world.

Organisation: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Année: 2016
Pays: Kyrgyzstan
Couverture géographique: Europe et l'Asie centrale
Type: Divers
Texte intégral disponible à l'adresse:
Langue: English
