Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Organic poultry production

African Organic Agriculture Training Manual
This manual is intended for use by trainers of trainers and trainers of farmers on organic agriculture. The manual aims to explain the principles and details of poultry management for small-scale poultry farmers in Africa under organic management. It has been developed with the understanding that farmers live in various...
2022 - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL

Blog article
Una mejor producción ganadera contribuye al bienestar familiar y actúa contra el cambio climático en el Uruguay

Cómo las prácticas climáticamente inteligentes procuran mejores ingresos y un medio ambiente más resiliente
Con el apoyo financiero del Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (FMAM), el proyecto Ganadería y Clima de la FAO se dirigió a las organizaciones de productores del Uruguay para evaluar la situación de las explotaciones individuales y ayudar a implementar estrategias climáticamente inteligentes que no sólo mejoren la producción...
2022 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Alimentación estratégica en sistemas ganaderos del trópico alto colombiano

Los sistemas ganaderos nariñenses ofrecen un excelente alimento para la canasta familiar (leche) y, a su vez, permiten el sustento de las comunidades rurales del trópico alto del departamento. En estos sistemas bovinos, la base de la alimentación es el forraje, que permite un adecuado nivel de producción, mejora el...
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

The Changpa and Ladakh Pashmina: Craft Revivalism, Skill Development and Ecology in Ladakh, India

Pashmina is one of the most expensive natural fabrics in the world, and yet the lives of those who produce this rare fibre in India is very tough. The Changpa of eastern Ladakh and western Tibet have for centuries supplied the fabled Kashmiri shawl industry with its essential raw material...

Fact sheet
European roadmap for reducing contentious inputs used in livestock production (antibiotics, anthelmintics, vitamins)

Organic livestock are primarily supplied by organically produced feed and ruminants are mainly fed forages. Organic production promotes high animal welfare standards, in particular by meeting the species-specific behavioural needs of animals. All these aspects contribute to a preventive approach that limits the use of external inputs in livestock production,...
European Union
2022 - RELACS

Newsletter article
Promoting an inclusive and viable poultry value chain in Ghana

Solidaridad and partners implement the three-year (2021 to 2024) Better Chicken for a Better Future project to create a fully functioning, inclusive and integrated value chain that provides decent jobs and better incomes for small-scale poultry farmers in Ghana.
2022 - Solidaridad

Case study
Prácticas y tecnologías para una ganadería baja en emisiones: Estudio de caso en Uruguay

El proyecto Ganadería baja en emisiones, una contribución al desarrollo sostenible del sector en Suramérica (TCP/RLC/3714), realizado en Argentina, Chile, Ecuador Paraguay y Uruguay; tiene como objetivo la generación de evidencia para la toma de decisiones mediante el análisis costo beneficio de las prácticas y tecnologías disponibles; la identificación de...
2022 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Farmer field schools for family poultry producers

A practical manual for facilitators
A growing number of poultry farmer field schools (FFS) are being implemented in developing countries by a wide range of actors. Experience over the past two decades has shown that good-quality facilitation and learning activities are key to the success and long-term sustainability of poultry FFS. This manual provides practical information...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Policy brief/paper
Grazing with trees - A silvopastoral approach to managing and restoring drylands with trees

Global change – including population growth, urbanization, land use change and climate change – is increasingly disturbing the equilibrium of the world’s drylands. Growing numbers of people are dependent on natural resources for their survival, against a background of advancing land degradation, weakened traditional governance and the intensified and unsustainable...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Abdulla Tobal builds a fodder pressing device to help his neighbors

Abdullah Tobal, a smallholder herder from Tal Hasel in As-Sfira, Aleppo Governorate, had an idea to build a press to preserve fodder after he attended one of FAO’s farmer field schools (FFS) under the Smallholder Support Programme. He learned how to compress dried alfalfa into bales to preserve it so...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Innovaciones en el sector ganadero

Compendio de experiencias en América Latina y el Caribe
Este catálogo presenta un conjunto de 32 innovaciones de 18 países de América Latina y el Caribe, que fueron compartidas a través de un cuestionario digital realizado por la FAO y el IICA, documentando tecnologías, enfoques y herramientas innovadoras aplicadas a las cadenas productivas ganaderas. El catálogo de innovaciones tiene como...
2022 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Internal report on a comparative study where the anthelmintic activity of heather extracts collected across EU is tested in vitro

Gastrointestinal Nematode (GIN) parasitism is the main health challenge small ruminants face with detrimental consequences on their health, welfare, and economic returns. Gastrointestinal parasite control is usually achieved with the use of anthelmintic drugs. Use of anthelmintics is strictly regulated in the organic sector. However, due to the global spread...
2022 - RELACS

Prácticas y tecnologías para una ganadería baja en emisiones

Síntesis de resultados regionales
El Proyecto Ganadería baja en emisiones, una contribución al desarrollo sostenible del sector en Suramérica (TCP/RLC/3714), realizado en Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay y Uruguay; tiene como objetivo la generación de evidencia para la toma de decisiones mediante el análisis costo beneficio de las prácticas y tecnologías disponibles; la identificación de...
Argentina - Chile - Ecuador - Paraguay - Uruguay
2022 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Poultry and Pig Low-input and Organic production systems' Welfare - Newsletter

Ensuring poultry and pig welfare has become a crucial issue for low-input outdoor and organic farms, currently threatened in Europe by the international sanitary and economic crisis contexts. The PPILOW project helps providing keys for proposing and testing strategies and practices favouring welfare in these production systems. In this 6...
European Union
2022 - Poultry and Pig Low-input and Organic production systems' Welfare

Pasture-fed production: Findings from the SEEGSLIP project

The SEEGSLIP project sought to evidence the practices of a particular group of farmers, the Pasture-Fed Livestock Association (PFLA) in terms of their social, ecological and economic sustainability. This video explains the project, the pasture-fed concept and some of our research findings.
2022 - organicresearchcentre

Diplomado Agaves & Mezquites Regenerando Zonas Semiáridas. 03 de junio al 24 de septiembre 2022

El Diplomado es promovido por la organización civil Vía Orgánica AC y por la Universidad de Guanajuato y va dirigido a estudiantes, agricultores y campesinos que deseen restaurar sus paisajes, enriquecer las tierras y combatir el cambio climático a través de la siembra de Agaves y Mezquites en sus comunidades....
2022 - Vía Orgánica

Technical paper
Suplementación animal con un enfoque agroecológico

La alimentación suministrada en el actual modelo hegemónico de producción de alimentos de origen animal, con un enfoque agroindustrial y con el confinamiento de los animales en pequeñas superficies (granjas avícolas destinadas a la producción intensiva de huevos y carne, sistemas estabulados de producción de leche, granjas porcinas, feedlot), se...
2022 - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA)

Blog article
''Community Ownership can create change: Experimental participatory learning brings better life in Timor-Leste''

It was another hot and humid day, another power cut, the generator groaning in the background. Fans were spinning and pumping hot air around as the A/C didn’t work with the generator. I looked around the office, everyone seemed bored, scrolling through Facebook, chatting occasionally. I felt sad that there...
2022 - Barefoot Guide Connection, Agroecology Knowledge Hub and Family Farming Knowledge Platform.

Blog article
Central Asian countries work towards better animal health

An effort to improve animal health in Central Asia that started in March 2019 concluded with 2021. Despite the COVID-19 and related limitations, FAO managed to redesign the project and, whenever possible, move to a virtual format to achieve goals set up at the start. The most prominent achievement has been...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Organic poultry production: A Resource Manual for Trainers in Africa

The manual explains the principles and practices of small-scale poultry production in Africa under organic management. The manual is intended for use by trainers of trainers and trainers of farmers on organic agriculture.
2022 - FiBL
Total results:1157