Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Newsletter article
Milestones: Urgent Collective Action to Break the Gridlock

Human Development Report 2023-24: Breaking the gridlock: Reimagining cooperation in a polarized world. The Human Development Index, or HDI, is probably the second most-used measure of a country’s development, after GDP. It uses a variety of indicators and gauges progress in terms of societal outcomes, including a healthy life (life expectancy...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Newsletter article
Spain: Net Working

Atalaia exemplifies the power of community and the enduring value of traditional craft in modern times. In the picturesque region of Galicia in northwest Spain, the tradition of netmaking and repair is deeply intertwined with the local fishing industry. This craft, historically carried out by women, has seen a resurgence thanks...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Post-earthquake value chain analysis of greenhouse tomatoes, fisheries and milk products in Türkiye

This report provides rapid assessments of the earthquake’s effects on agriculture, specifically greenhouse-based tomato production in Samandağ (Hatay), fishing in Hatay’s coastal districts (Samandağ, Arsuz, İskenderun, Dörtyol), and milk production in Elbistan (Kahramanmaraş). It compares pre- and post-earthquake value chain functions to identify needed interventions and propose strategies for sustainability...
2024 - FAO

Newsletter article
Profile: Dolores Gómez – Moving from strength to strength

Dolores Gomez not only leads shellfish gatherers in the male-dominated Galician seafood sector but also places feminism front and centre in the conversation. Dolores Gómez Ordoñez has been the President of Mulleres Salgadas since 2019. Mulleres Salgadas is an association of shellfish gatherers in Spain. It was founded in 2016 and...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Women in fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea region: roles, challenges and opportunities

Women play active roles throughout the fisheries value chain in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, including participating in pre-harvest activities like vessel and gear construction and maintenance, harvest activities both on board fishing vessels and from shore, and post-harvest activities such as sorting, cleaning, processing and marketing the catch,...
2024 - FAO

Newsletter article
Yemaya Recommends: Women in Small-scale Fisheries in Ghana – the unsung heroines

This documentary showcases Ghana where the most pressing issues are those of overfishing and pollution due to a rapid decline of fisheries in the country. “I’ve learned that I should do away with fear,” declares Juliana Anna Dogbe Kumado a fishmonger in Ghana and a participant in the One Ocean Hub...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Climate change risks to marine ecosystems and fisheries

Projections to 2100 from the Fisheries and Marine Ecosystem Model Intercomparison Project
Climate change impacts on marine fisheries resources are changing the distribution and productivity of marine organisms around the globe. Knowledge and model projections to estimate fish biomass gains and losses are crucial for informing climate-resilient fisheries management and adaptation planning. This report was developed in collaboration with the Fisheries and...
2024 - FAO

Journal article
Towards gender equality in forestry, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture

The forestry, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture sectors are critical for sustaining rural livelihoods and achieving food and nutrition security around the world. Yet, these sectors are marred by significant gender and social inequalities. This review examines gender gaps in these sectors and what has worked to reduce inequalities. We show...
2024 - Bioversity

Working paper
What about seafood? The role of seafood in UK food systems transformation

This paper argues that seafood should play a more prominent role in debates about food systems transformation in the UK. We discuss the connections between seafood and the broader food system, and consider seafood’s potential role in food systems transformation in the UK.  We unpack the opportunities this presents, as well...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2024 - IIED

Diagnosis of aquaculture employment governance in selected African countries

Many countries are promoting aquaculture as one of the prime drivers of the rural economy and the employment of women and youth. However, the industry is criticized for inadequately representing the needs of workers. Most African countries have shown a willingness to advance industry goals through domestic programme planning and...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Fishy work: A podcast about marine ecologies and labouring at sea

Alin Kadfak created a podcast series about the fishing industry and labour to shed light on the often overlooked work done at sea. The podcast aims is to bring discussions with researchers, civil society actors, journalists, and union leaders who have dedicated themselves to understanding the complexities of fisheries governance...
2024 - Siani

Introduction to other effective area-based conservation measures in marine fisheries

This course provides the background and context on other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) in marine fisheries.   You will learn about Origins and definition of the OECM concept. Benefits of OECMs and potential challenges of taking on the OECM label. Principles of recognizing OECMs. Marine area-based management measures implemented by the Fisheries sector Course structure The course...
2024 - FAO

Recognizing other effective area-based conservation measures in marine fisheries

This course provides guidance on the other effective area-based conservation measure (OECM) recognition process for Fisheries – which includes identifying, evaluating and reporting OECMs in marine fisheries. You will learn about: Course structure: FAO’s suggested Fisheries OECM recognition process. How to launch the Fisheries OECM recognition process. How to screen proposed sites for compatibility with...
2024 - FAO

Key lessons and priority research and investments for Community Fish Refuge-Rice Field Fisheries

Rice field ecosystems make up the majority of the agricultural land in the Lower Mekong region (Ingalls et al. 2018). In Cambodia, WorldFish research found that one hectare of a rice field ecosystem can provide enough wild fish and other aquatic animals to feed 2.6 people for a year (Freed...
2024 - World Fish

Blog article
Entre la place que l’on prend et celle qu’on nous laisse : partage genré des tâches en ostréiculture

En mars 2017, je réalise un stage d’un mois comme ouvrière agricole au sein d’une entreprise ostréicole sur le Bassin d’Arcachon, avec un jeune chef d’exploitation. Je ne vois aucune autre femme sur le port à part les serveuses du restaurant voisin. Un des ostréiculteurs du port, qui prend chaque...

Policy brief/paper
L’Afrique face à l’épuisement de ses ressources de la pêche maritime

Ce Policy Brief “L’Afrique face à l’épuisement de ses ressources de la pêche maritime” analyse les défis critiques liés à la surpêche, à la pêche illégale et à l’exploitation non durable des ressources halieutiques en Afrique. Il est signé par Pierre Jacquemot, universitaire, expert à la Fondation Jean-Jaurès et président...
2024 - The Policy Center for the New South (PCNS)

Yemaya Newsletter No.66, March 2023

Yemaya No. 66, dated March 2023, features articles on IYAFA Asia workshop, National level women in fisheries workshop in Chennai, India, article on gender and marine plastic pollution, report of a panel discussion during the 8th global symposium  on gender in aquaculture and fisheries. Kyoko Kusakabe write that gender responsive fisheries require not only...
2024 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Journal article
Wild fish consumption can balance nutrient retention in farmed fish

Wild fish used as aquafeeds could be redirected towards human consumption to support sustainable marine resource use. Here we use mass-balance fish-in/fish-out ratio approaches to assess nutrient retention in salmon farming and identify scenarios that provide more nutrient-rich food to people. Using data on Norway’s salmon farms, our study revealed...
2024 - University of Cambridge, UK

Promoting hygiene and quality for fishery and aquaculture value chains

Mauritania’s highly favorable hydro-climatic conditions mean that its coasts are reputed to be among the world’s richest in fish, with an exploitable potential of 1,830,140 tons of all species, including 1,383,000 tons of small pelagic resources (GT IMROP 2019). This significant fisheries resource has made the fishing sector a strategic...
2024 - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

A toolkit for incorporating fish into the home-grown school feeding programme

Food and nutrition security is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals enshrined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In an attempt to contribute to reaching this objective, school feeding programmes are serving meals to over 418 million pre-primary, primary and secondary schoolchildren around the world. The positive experience...
2024 - FAO
Total results:1571