Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Situating small-scale fisheries in the global struggle for agroecology and food sovereignty

This report explores the politics and practices of small-scale fisheries (SSF) in the context of the global movement for agroecology and food sovereignty. It frames the policy context and explains the challenges related to SSF initiatives and communities and how they organize to address them. It shows how alternative food...

Blog article
Cultivando justicia socioambiental: la memoria biocultural como fundamento de la Agroecología

En medio de la crisis socioambiental y los impactos de la agricultura intensiva, ha surgido la agroecología como una opción que propone una visión sistémica del alimento, considerando no sólo la regeneración del suelo y las relaciones ecológicas de los agroecosistemas, sino también la dignificación de las y los agricultores. El...
2020 - Ladera Sur

Virtual meeting: StoreWars - Consumer groups and other agroecological revolts in times of emergency

Part of online course Social ecologism in times of emergency, reflections from confinement treating topics as a Sustainable and healthy diet for young and old, Preparing the Day After transformative consumption options for post-confinement this virtual meeting focuses on agroecological alternatives. Emergency measures are centralizing food purchases in large supermarkets, putting small businesses...
2020 - Garúa Coop

Magazine article
LEISA Magazine India: Agroecology and going local

Local food initiatives with agroecological approaches are increasingly recognized. The global pandemic's challenge is alerting communities to the importance of being self-sufficient and resilient. Overall, farmers are thriving during the pandemic by making appropriate adaptations while urban consumers moved towards 'growing own food' and 'buying local'. This issue of the Low-External-Input and...
2020 - LEISA Magazine India

Blog article
The Resilience of Smallholder Farmers in Times of Crisis

With the focus on food security rising, smallholder farmers have been propelled into the limelight as the heroes in the production sector. They are playing a major role in nourishing large urban populations as large-scale farmers feel the impacts of COVID 19. We spoke to two organic farmers in Uganda...
2020 - IFOAM

Producción de trigo agroecológico

De acuerdo al censo agropecuario 2018, más de dos mil explotaciones agropecuarias argentinas realizaron prácticas agroecológicas. Pero, ¿en qué consiste realizar un cultivo, por ejemplo, de trigo agroecológico? ¿Comienza con la siembra? ¿O comienza mucho antes construyendo la fertilidad que necesitamos en el suelo? Martín Zamora desde el INTA Barrow...
2020 - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA)

EIP-AGRI Focus Group Non-chemical weed management in arable cropping systems

Weeds threaten crop yield and quality. Developing and promoting non-chemical weed management techniques can help reduce the risks linked to the use of herbicides which can impact non-target organisms, the environment and animal and human health. In this EIP-AGRI Focus Group, experts worked together to identify alternatives including redesigning cropping systems,...
European Union
2020 - Eip Agri

Blog article
Agroecology or Collapse Part 1- From Emergency Responses to Systemic Transformations

The growing number of ecological, health, economic and social crises situations are compounding and are based on an exceptionally complex political reality that demands a systemic and holistic perspective. This first article of a three-part contribution to Agroecology Now presents the current moment as a crisis in capitalism that demands systemic and structural...
2020 - Agroecology Now

Montenegro’s mountains - where tourism meets tradition

In Montenegro, smallholder farmers rely heavily on traditional agriculture practices for their livelihoods. So much so, that a poor blueberry harvest or honey season can have devastating impacts on rural households. That’s why the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and...
2020 - Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations FAO

FAO Agroecology Newsletter #38

Agroecology Newsletter of August 2020

The 2020 Global Food Policy Report

The 2020 Global Food Policy Report focuses on the need to build inclusive food systems, both to ensure that marginalized and vulnerable people enjoy the benefits and opportunities that food systems can bring and to support sustainable development. Inclusive food systems can help create better economic opportunities for poor people,...
2020 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

Blog article
Seeking New Agreements for Working with Nature through Enhancing Agricultural Biodiversity

In this first article in the new column of Agroecology Now! named "Agroecology in Motion: Nourishing Transformation'', Patrick Mulvany, an Honorary Research Fellow (HRF) at the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR), makes a call to radically foreground a more robust and transformative understanding of agricultural biodiversity, especially the need to enhance...
2020 - Agroecology Now!

IFPRI Resources and Analyses on COVID-19 (also known as Coronavirus)

IFPRI is curating a series of analyses from IFPRI researchers and guest contributors on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on national and global food and nutrition security, poverty, and development. The webpage will continue to be updated with new analyses in the coming weeks and months.
2020 - IFPRI

A Mini Barefoot Guide Agroecology Series - Whole Landscapes, Whole Communities

Working with Nature to Heal, Transform and Regenerate Landscapes
This mini Barefoot Guide is an introduction to the Seed Knowledge Initiative (SKI) partners’ journey of landscape-level work with communities in the Southern African region. It is a resource to those communities and those working with them to think about why this landscape-level work is important. They will find inspiration and lessons from successful...
2020 - The Seed Knowledge Initiative (SKI)

Blog article
How PGS Changed the Law on Organic Agriculture in the Philippines!

The Senate in the Philippines has approved a bill recognizing Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) and amending the current legal framework for organic agriculture in the country. PGS are locally focused quality assurance systems of organic products certification which small farmers can afford, and which provides access to healthy and safe...
2020 - Organic Without Boundaries

Blog article
The European Green Deal – mountain communities can make a big difference claims the CoR

In February 2020, during the first plenary session of the recently renewed European Committee of the Regions (CoR) members adopted the opinion “Towards sustainable neighborhoods and small communities – Environment policy below municipal level” by rapporteur Gaetano Armao (IT/EPP). Euromontana is pleased to see that the rapporteur integrated its suggestions...
European Union
2020 - Euromontana

Journal article
Beyond Sustainability in Food Systems: Perspectives from Agroecology and Social Innovation

Food security faces many multifaceted challenges, with effects ranging far beyond the sectors of agriculture and food science and involving all the multiscale components of sustainability. This paper puts forward the point of view about more sustainable and responsible approaches to food production research underlying the importance of knowledge and...

Blog article
EBRD, FAO continue raising food safety standards in Serbia while preserving traditions

The Serbian Government has recently approved hygiene bylaws on food products of plant origin, in line with EU legislation, that include flexibility measures and derogations for traditional food products. Under this new legislation, Serbian producers can continue following traditional methods for making and selling food products based on fruits, vegetables and...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Photo gallery
Formations en agriculture écologique et biologique

 Le Centre de recherche et de formation en agriculture biologique et écologique (SAHEL VERT), propose une formation en ligne innovante sur l'agriculture biologique et écologique.

Seminario virtual: Política brasilera de agroecología y producción orgánica

This activity is part of the South-South cooperation project called “Sembrando Capacidades”, whose objective is to improve differentiated public policies for peasant, family and community agriculture in Colombia, through the exchange of experiences with Brazil, in cooperation with FAO, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia, the Ministry of Agriculture,...
2020 - FAO, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply of Brazil, and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency
Total results:4091