Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Shared labels: Selling stories that conserve biocultural diversity and promote resilience

This report provides a collection and analysis of six case studies which introduce trailblazing shared label initiatives by smallholder organisations across Africa, Asia and Latin America. Each case study explores the motivation for collective marketing action, the choice of claims to make through a shared label, the control over the...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Ecuador - Indonesia - Nepal - Viet Nam - Zambia
2022 - International Institute for Environment and Development

Efficient agricultural water use and management in paddy fields in Zambia

The report identifies the irrigation potentials, gaps and needs that exist at national level for paddy rice production. The analysis carried out in the outlook will form a basis for enhancing water resources management in paddy fields. The report addresses all stakeholders involved in the sector, including technicians, researchers, and...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

The status of water use efficiency and productivity with a focus on paddy rice in Zambia

This report focuses on the technical and policy measures to address existing challenges, and outline gaps in the implementation of policies to improve agricultural water use efficiency and enhance management in paddy fields in Zambia. It promotes the formulation and deployment of an effective system for the development of the...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

''My speechless intervention and the discovery of woman leader in agroecology''

On a working day in June 2018 under my previous organization, I visited Shibuyunji district to conduct my usual technical support to the extension staff as well as project beneficiaries. Having had a short meeting with the extension staff, we immediately proceeded into the field to conduct on-site visits. I...
2022 - The Barefoot Guide Connection

''Agroforestry helping in addressing effects of climate change''

It all started on the day when I escorted our country director to Rufunsa District, which is located in Lusaka Province in Zambia. We were off to meet the village Chieftainess Mphashya, to talk about our intentions to build a community seed bank in her chiefdom. We were met with...
2022 - The Barefoot Guide Connection

Review of existing legislation to protect pollinators from pesticides in selected countries

Honeybees (Apis mellifera), wild bees, and other pollinators can be adversely affected by pesticides as well as other stressors, with potentially large economic and ecological consequences. Legislation is one possible tool which can be used to support actions to protect pollinators from pesticides. Several documents have been published at the...
Australia - China - Dominica - Ireland - Kenya - Niger - Rwanda - Saint Lucia - Samoa - Solomon Islands - United Republic of Tanzania - United States of America - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2022 - FAO

Zambia’s agroecological miracle workers: hope for a food-insecure world

Special reporter Patrick Worms writes passionately of what he witnessed among agroecological farmers in Zambia and the potential for expanding their practices much more widely. Despite the challenges, the world is sprinkled with extraordinary farmers achieving amazing results by applying agroecological principles to restore degraded ecosystems. They combine the growing...

What can smallholder farmers grow in a warmer world? Climate change and future crop suitability in East and Southern Africa

According to a new study, rising temperatures and decreased rainfall in eight Southern and East African countries are likely to reduce the production of vital food crops in the region by 2050. The International Fund for Agricultural Development has issued the scientists' report, which covers Angola, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda,...
Angola - Lesotho - Malawi - Mozambique - Rwanda - Uganda - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2021 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

How to enhance the sustainability and inclusiveness of smallholder aquaculture production systems in Zambia?

Fish is a key source of income, food, and nutrition in Zambia, although unlike in the past, capture fisheries no longer meet the national demand for fish. Supply shortfalls created an opportunity to develop the aquaculture sector in Zambia, which is now one of the largest producers of farmed fish...
2021 - Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)

Unlocking the potential of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific

FISH4ACP is an initiative of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) aimed at making fisheries and aquaculture value chains in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific more sustainable. It aims to enhance the productivity and sustainability of the small pelagics value chain in the Zambian waters of...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Agency and advocacy in the food systems of the majority: Food for thought from the Sustainable Diets for All programme

Interventions to improve the sustainability and nutrition of food can be misdirected when based on assumptions about people’s priorities and level of knowledge. When citizens have the capacity to act on their own priorities — in other words when they have agency — there is the potential to achieve better...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Indonesia - Uganda - Zambia
2020 - International Insitute for Environment and Development

Agroecology and Markets – Stories from the field

How wide are the agroecology ripples?
We cannot talk about food sovereignty without mentioning the role of mass markets on which the majority of people depend on their income and food. These markets have demonstrated their relevance during the COVID-19 era by strengthening rural-urban linkages. Mass markets have been the main avenue through which rural people...
Cameroon - Ethiopia - Ghana - Kenya - Lesotho - Mozambique - Nigeria - Senegal - Sudan - Uganda - Zambia
2020 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty (AFSA)

Propagating and planting trees​

Trees and shrubs play important roles on the farm and in the environment. Unfortunately too many trees are lost because of overgrazing, excessive fuel wood collection and deforestation. Agroforestry supports the efforts of people in rural areas to plant more trees and to use them to greater advantage, also because...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Étude de cas

Situated at the end of Zambia’s Great Rift Valley, the Luangwa Valley has ecological riches but pervasive poverty. Poaching and subsistence farming of maize and sorghum are the main livelihoods. Increasingly, families are also relying on cash crops, such as cotton and tobacco, rendering them less able to meet their...
2020 - e Oakland Institute and the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA

Note/document d'orientation
Thriving in diversity: smallholders organising for climate resilience

With their ability to mobilise 1.5 billion smallholder producers, forest and farm producer organisations (FFPOs) can help drive a paradigm shift away from large-scale monocultural systems, which are vulnerable to climate change and highly inequitable. FFPO businesses embody greater diversity and equity, pursuing market opportunities for a diverse basket of...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Ecuador - Ghana - Guatemala - Kenya - Madagascar - Nepal - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Togo - Viet Nam - Zambia
2019 - International Institute for Environment and Development

Potentially Important Food Plants of Zambia

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...

Note/document d'orientation
Crop diversification increases productivity and stabilizes income of smallholders

FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 8
In sub-Saharan Africa, crop diversification features prominently in many countries’ climate change adaptation strategies. This study focuses on the determinants of adoption and on the impact of seven cropping systems in Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia. The work finds that the selection of a high volatile or low productive cropping system...
Malawi - Mozambique - Zambia
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Zambia Country Gender Assessment Report

The country gender profile analyses the gender gaps, good practices and way forward in empowering women in agriculture, value chains and food and nutrition security. It provides a baseline for monitoring the implementation of the SDGs, Malabo Declaration and National Agricultural Investment Plans. It will inform advocacy, research, and capacity...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Article de blog
The real seed producers

Small-scale farmers save, use, share and enhance the seed diversity of the crops that feed Africa
This report unpacks and explores farmer-managed seed systems and their contribution to food and seed sovereignty, including the benefits they provide to farming communities as a part of their sociocultural, economic, spiritual and ecological livelihoods. The report highlights, exposes and explores how these systems work. It builds on reports of...
Ethiopia - Mali - Senegal - Uganda - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2018 - AFSA

Productive diversification of African agriculture and its effects on resilience and nutrition

The agriculture sector in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) remains the backbone of national economies, sustaining rural and urban livelihoods alike, and providing food and income for the majority of households. Recent agriculture growth in Sub-Saharan Africa has been solid and has supported improvements in nutrition outcomes and poverty rates. Despite some...
Malawi - Zambia
2018 - World Bank
Total results:131
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