Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Mapping Agroecology in Hungary

This report is the result from a 10-month-long mapping project in 2019-2020, commissioned by Agroecology Europe, carried out by Védegylet Egyesület with the help of Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG), Hungary. It provides a general overview of the present state of agroecology in Hungary, through attaining an understanding of the historical and political contexts in...
2020 - Agroecology Europe, Védegylet Egyesület, Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG)

Article de blog
Europe and Central Asia discuss solutions to promote sustainable agri-food systems

The 32nd Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Europe started as FAO Members from Europe and Central Asia will discuss several challenges facing the region on food and agriculture, particularly how to promote sustainable agri-food systems and healthy diets as well as solutions for youth, employment and developing rural areas. Hosted by Uzbekistan in...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN FAO

Article de blog
Travelling Farmers

We once had a talented carpenter named Rodrigo, who would come to our house to fix cabinets and build closets. He liked to start in the afternoon and stay for dinner. He was slow and methodical, but his work was always perfect. Every year, this bohemian handyman would take his...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2020 - AGROinsight

Article de revue spécialisée
Assessing agroecological practices using a combination of three sustainability assessment tools

The alignment of the environmental, economic and social sustainability of farms is necessary for enhancing the provision of public goods in farming. This study combines the use of three tools for the assessment of farm sustainability. It provides first insights into the sustainability performance of farms at different stages of agro-ecological...

#IGrowYourFood - Meet Togia Tavita Faletoese, an organic farmer from Samoa

We’re trying to teach our young ones that there’s no rocket science to it. It’s about keeping that natural balance and it will just keep giving.” 🌱 Meet Togia Tavita Faletoese, a Samoan organic farmer who set up a youth farm to pass on traditional knowledge
2020 - IFOAM - Organics International

Article de blog
Farm to Fork strategy for sustainable food

The Farm to Fork strategy for Sustainable food is a key component of the European Green Deal. European food is famous for being safe, nutritious and of high quality. It should now also become the global standard for sustainability.
European Union
2020 - European Commission

Cómo reproducir Microorganismos de Montaña

Este video enseña cómo realizar recolección y reproducción de Microorganismos de Montaña: aplicaciones en actividades agropecuarias, método japones, mejoramiento de suelo, agroecología y bioinsumos.

Article de blog
A common ground

Farmers need new ideas, and researchers need data. When these two professional groups meet in the framework of collaborative or participatory research, it is often not clear who has to evolve in what direction: do farmers need to learn about research protocols, systematically collecting and analysing data, or do researchers...
2020 - AgroInsight, Access Agriculture

Seed Markets for Agroecology

PCD Discussion Paper on Seeds and Food Security
With this briefing, ACT Alliance EU intends to share insights on the forthcoming reform in 2021 of EU seed legislation with partners in the global South. The new EU Organic Regulation and the recent adoption of the European Green Deal are expected to have far reaching impacts on EU seed...
2020 - ACT Alliance EU

Article de blog
Un terrain d’entente

Les agriculteurs ont besoin de nouvelles idées et les chercheurs ont besoin de données. Lorsque ces deux groupes professionnels se rencontrent dans le cadre d’une recherche collaborative ou participative, il est souvent difficile de savoir qui doit évoluer dans quelle direction : les agriculteurs ont-ils besoin de connaître les protocoles...
2020 - AgroInsight, Access Agriculture

Site web
THE BARN - A repository of collective action stories

Inside the Barn you’ll find different examples of collective action in sustainable agriculture, marketing and the environment. Some are works in progress, some are works concluded, others are just at the start or even a plan of a project with an expected impact. They are united by a common objective...
2020 - The BOND Project

Article de blog
Europe's Agroecology Movement – Progressing in Times of COVID-19

In a series of webinars organized by Forum Synergies and ARC2020, four innovative and committed agroecology initiatives gave an insight into how they strengthened to the challenge at the time of COVID-19. Dozens of people from across Europe and beyond took part in the conversation. The event provided a moment of reflection, some...
2020 - Forum Synergies and ARC2020

Apprentissage en ligne
Taller: “Cultiva Hortalizas de temporada”

Sonia Piña y Kristal, del equipo de Equipo Vía Orgánica nos comparte a un taller más para aprender a cultivar hortalizas en temporada de lluvias.

Management of Newcastle disease

In this video we will learn how to recognise Newcastle disease, and the signs, causes, prevention, control and management of this devastating disease.
2020 - Access Agriculture

Gestion de la maladie de Newcastle

Dans cette vidéo, nous allons apprendre à reconnaître la maladie de Newcastle, et les signes, les causes, les moyens de prévention, de contrôle et de gestion de cette maladie dévastatrice.
2020 - Access Agriculture

Article de blog
Fusing Himachal's Natural Farming Mission to Agro-Ecotourism

Natural Farming applied in Himachal Pradesh, India is a sustainable agroecological practice that can minimize the cost of cultivation, sustain soil fertility, reduce water requirement and enhance farmers’ income. It also bolsters a positive image of the ecologically sensitive mountain state preserving its environment and traditional systems. This will positively...
2020 - The Traveller Trails

The Business Case for Natural Climate Solutions: Insights and Opportunities for Southeast Asia

Nature already mitigates a significant measure of human-made GHG emissions; approximately a quarter of these emissions are absorbed by trees, plants, and soil, while another quarter is absorbed into marine systems. Yet, if protected, sustainably managed, and restored, nature has the power to do even more. Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) are climate...
2020 - Conservation International, DBS Bank, National University of Singapore (NUS), and Temasek

Restoring land health for sustainable agriculture

While some agricultural inputs' harmful effects are becoming evident, many policies and incentives are emerging that promote sustainable farming. They encourage environmentally sound practices that conserve healthy, biodiverse, productive landscapes and soils, retain moisture, benefit from nutrient cycling, decomposition, soil structure, and help control pests and diseases. This report highlights...
2020 - IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources

Article de blog
O poder do chocolate: cacau orgânico tira pequenos agricultores da pobreza no Brasil

Em fazenda comunitária na Bahia, cada família é responsável por cultivar quatro hectares de árvores de cacau, além de participar da manutenção de horta
Na fazenda comunitária, que reúne 39 famílias, cada família é responsável por cultivar quatro hectares de árvores de cacau e participa da manutenção da horta comunitária. Antes sem terra e agora instalados a 80 km do litoral da Bahia, esses pequenos agricultores produzem cacau, frutas e verduras sem usar fertilizantes ou...
2020 - Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira (CEPLAC)

Note/document d'orientation
Moving towards a more healthy and sustainable EU food system, a corner stone of the European Green Deal

By 2030, with our new Farm to Fork strategy, we will take action to: Reduce the overall use and risk of chemical and hazardous pesticides by 50% Reduce the sales of antimicrobials for farmed animals and aquaculture by 50% Increase organic farmed land by 25%
European Union
2020 - European Commission
Total results:3974