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Статья в блоге
Entre la place que l’on prend et celle qu’on nous laisse : partage genré des tâches en ostréiculture

En mars 2017, je réalise un stage d’un mois comme ouvrière agricole au sein d’une entreprise ostréicole sur le Bassin d’Arcachon, avec un jeune chef d’exploitation. Je ne vois aucune autre femme sur le port à part les serveuses du restaurant voisin. Un des ostréiculteurs du port, qui prend chaque...

Régulations pastorales et changements climatiques : regards croisés entre territoires pastoraux au Maroc, en Tunisie et en France

Ce numéro de Regards sur le foncier a été produit dans le cadre d’une initiative d’expertise collective accompagnée par l’Iram et l’IRD, dont l’objectif était de mettre en lumière la question du devenir des communs pastoraux en Méditerranée à partir de la création d’un cadre de dialogue politique entre acteurs...
France - Morocco - Tunisia
2024 - IRAM

Good Practices for the Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas

Euromontana kicks off the year with the publication of its annual booklet of good practices for sustainable mountain development. This publication showcases 10 inspiring initiatives from across Europe (EU and non-EU) collected by Euromontana throughout 2023 to promote initiatives that drive sustainable change in mountain areas. The booklet covers key issues for...
Austria - France - Germany - Italy - Norway - Poland - Romania - Spain - Switzerland
2024 - Euromontana - European Association of Mountain Areas

Mapping the development of agroecology in Europe - Volume 2

This second volume of the country reports series enlarges the documentation, analysis, and development of agroecology in Europe, and provides examples of implementation in different countries. The 11 countries studied within this volume show somewhat similar results as found in with the first 13 countries mapped in volume 1. There...
Denmark - France - Hungary - Ireland - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Portugal - Republic of Moldova - Slovenia - Spain - Sweden - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2024 - Isara Agro School for Life

Статья информационного бюллетеня
France: A New Vision of the Sea

Local and regional ‘parliaments of the sea’ can ensure the participation of society in the management of marine areas while respecting the rights of fishers. An example from France.  “Numerous ethnographic studies show that the sea and its resources are not an open-access resource, but a common good, collectively controlled by...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

SAMUDRA Report No.91, June 2024

The Triannual Journal of the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers
The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) has just published the latest issue of SAMUDRA Report, its triannual journal on fisheries, communities and livelehoods. The current edition, SAMUDRA Report No. 91, dated June 2024, is a Special Issue that runs into 110 pages and features a diverse range of...
Antigua and Barbuda - Bangladesh - Brazil - Canada - Chile - China - Costa Rica - France - Ghana - India - Japan - Nicaragua - Senegal - Sri Lanka - Uganda - United States of America - Viet Nam
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Best Practices Manual for integrating migrant workers into rural communities through socially sustainable agriculture

The agricultural sector across Europe faces a significant employment crisis, stemming from a dual challenge: a dearth of interest among domestic workers and a scarcity of skilled labour. Consequently, many countries rely on immigrant labour, predominantly from non-EU nations. Addressing the social, economic, and cultural integration of these workers necessitates tailored...
Austria - France - Greece - Italy - Spain
2024 - Migrants Labour Insertion in Multicultural Agricultural Teams

Работа конференции
Summary of the Brazil-France researcher/stakeholder seminar around agroecological food policies at the territorial scale

This public policymakers workshop aimed to discuss experiences of territorial policies in Brazil and France and innovative forms of collective action aimed at reconnecting agroecology, food and health. It brought together 15 people in person and 17 online: researchers, members of organizations and networks involved in these themes, public policy...
Brazil - France
2023 - INRAE

Газетная статья
Food justice in community supported agriculture – differentiating charitable and emancipatory social support actions

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) seeks to address injustices in the food system by supporting small-scale farmers applying agroecological practices through a long-term partnership: a community of members covers the cost of production and receives a share of the harvest throughout the season in return. Despite an orientation towards a more...
Belgium - France - Germany
2023 - Justus Liebig University Giessen Germany

Тематическое исследование
Rural women Projects brochure

This Projects Brochure highlights examples of CAP-funded projects led by women and initiatives that are advancing gender equality in rural areas. In line with the European Commission’s 2020-2025 Gender Equality Strategy, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) now includes a Specific Objective aimed at enhancing the position of women in farming and...
Czechia - Estonia - France - Romania - Slovenia - Spain - Sweden
2023 - EU CAP Network

Тематическое исследование
Sustainable food systems multi-stakeholder mechanisms: contributions to the environmental agenda

Food systems are major contributors, but also critically vulnerable, to the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. The food sector uses more natural resources than any other sector, which means that the way in which food systems are governed has direct consequences for how natural resources...
Belgium - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Ecuador - France - India - Madagascar - United States of America
2023 - International Institute for Environment and Development

Increasing feed production using legume and cereal mixtures as a second crop (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract)

Improved feed diversity and more resilient feed production, less dependent on soybean imports. This strategy helps to mitigate droughts effects, through an “avoidance strategy”, with production of forage during seasons less likely to be affected by such phenomenon. Other benefits include improved soil biodiversity and soil health, reduced leaching during...
2023 - Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire

Газетная статья
Film Festival: A Fish-eye View

Against a backdrop of social struggles, the 15th edition of the Pecheurs du Monde International Film Festival was successfully held in Lorient, France. The 15th Pecheurs du Monde film festival took place from March 19 to 26, 2023, with many spectators and exhibition visitors participating across seven municipalities in France. The...
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Электронные учебные курсы
EUR-Organic: European Master in Organic Agriculture and Food Systems

The programme EUR-Organic follows a holistic approach involving all aspects of organic food systems. The students profit from the distinct research foci of the partner universities, which in turn are reflected in the diverse specialisations available for students participating in the programme. None of the partner universities alone can offer such a wide...
Austria - Denmark - France - Germany - Poland
2023 - University of Hohenheim (UHOH), Stuttgart, Germany University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS-SGGW), Warsaw, Poland Aarhus University (AU), Aarhus, Denmark Institut supérieur d'agriculture et d'agroalimentaire Rhône-Alpes (ISARA-Lyon), Lyon, France

Газетная статья
The human being at the heart of agroecological transitions: insights from cognitive mapping of actors’ vision of change in Roquefort area

Agroecological transitions aim at developing sustainable farming and food systems, adapted to local contexts. Such transitions require the engagement of local actors and the consideration of their knowledge and reasoning as a whole, which encompasses different natures of knowledge (empirical, scientific, local, generic), related to different dimensions (economic, environmental, technical,...
2023 - Agriculture and Human Values

Unfolding sustainability transitions in food systems: Insights from UK and French trajectories

While the negative environmental, social and health impacts of the current food system have been acknowledged and evidenced for several decades, the recent and current transformations in food systems at diverse scales are not yet addressing the many inter-related stakes at play. Due to the much wider set of interactions...
France - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2023 - INRAE

Газетная статья
Combining systemic and pragmatic approaches for the holistic diagnosis of a farm in agroecological transition in a health context

Introduction: Today, agriculture and livestock farming are facing environmental, social and health challenges. The agroecological transition is a possible response to these challenges. It requires changes in practices but also an evolution in farmers' ways of thinking and relationships with living things. Some diagnostics of farms, such as the global analysis...
2023 - INRAE

Газетная статья
A participatory and multi-actor approach to locally support crop diversification based on the case study of camelina in northern France

Despite the acknowledged benefits of crop diversification, the transition towards more diversified cropping systems needs to be supported, mainly due to socio-technical lock-ins favoring major dominant crop species. This calls for the development of new approaches to support the design of locally tailored diversified cropping systems. This paper aims to...
2023 - Agronomy for Sustainable Development

Reflections on non-extractive participatory research for territorial food system transformation

Non-extractive and power-equalising research involves different knowledge holders (e.g. researchers and farmers) in a process of close cooperative engagement, jointly producing new knowledge, with mutual learning. As such, this form of cooperative enquiry is a significant reversal from dominant roles, locations, and ways of knowing. I offer some examples and reflections on...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - France - India - Indonesia - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Italy - Mali - Nepal - Peru - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2023 - Agroecological Transitions for Territorial Food Systems ATTER

Политический обзор/документ
Territorial Food Projects in France

Territorial Food Projects (Projets Alimentaires Territoriaux) are defined by the French law since 2014
In December 2022, there are officially nearly 400 all over France and they cover 2/3 of French population. Mostly led by territorial authorities (municipalities, inter-municipalities, Départements, Parcs Naturels Régionaux, etc.), they have to include a series of key issues and actions (food justice, food education, food waste, territorial anchoring of...
2023 - INRAE
Total results:179
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