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Статья в блоге
Opinion: Restoring mountain ecosystems in the Himalayas is a global imperative

The Hindu Kush Himalaya faces a critical need for the restoration of its diverse ecosystems, underpinned by the indispensable stewardship of Indigenous communities and local efforts
Mountain ecosystems, including rangelands, wetlands, peatlands and both alpine and temperate forests, are unique habitats characterised by complex geography and rich biodiversity. These ecosystems are integral to the cultures and traditions of diverse Indigenous communities, providing essential goods and services such as food, water, climate regulation and cultural aesthetics. Despite their high economic...
2024 - International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

Информационный сборник
Brief Guide to Food Plants in the Magdalena Milpas Altas Region

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...
2024 - Food Plant Solutions

Газетная статья
Cost-effectiveness and income effects of alternative forest conservation policy mixes for the Peruvian Amazon

To reduce deforestation and mitigate climate change, the Peruvian government proposed and partially implemented incentive- and disincentive-based forest conservation policies, especially in the Amazon, where most of the country’s deforestation occurs. However, to date, little is known about the magnitude of the trade-offs between cost-effectiveness and welfare effects of such...
2024 - Science Direct

Статья в блоге
Bhutan explores controlled burning of mountainsides

Reviving the traditional practice could protect pastureland ecosystems in the Himalayas from destructive climate change-driven wildfires
W ildfires have raged across the mountains of the Hindu Kush Himalaya this year. The Indian state of Uttarakhand lost over 1,500 hectares of forest while Nepal saw hundreds of forest fires in March and over a thousand in April. As frightening and destructive as these fires have been, for over 10,000 years, everywhere from the Central...
2024 - Dialogue Earth

Heritage, Sustainability, and Coffee Drying in the Philippines’ Cordillera mountains

Born and raised amidst the lush landscapes of the mountain provinces of the Philipines, Daniel Jason Maches and Jaymar Garcia, two Indigenous youth, have always been connected to the land. They’ve witnessed their parents tend to the earth, cultivating crops that sustained their families for generations.  
2024 - Slow Food

Статья в блоге
Innovating tradition to protect ancient forests in Papua New Guinea

Supporting an Indigenous Peoples’ community to monitor forests with satellites and tablet
Besta Pulum cannot contain his excitement about the tablet computer he is holding in his hands. “When I was young, I never saw that kind of computer. Now I’m seeing it; I didn’t sleep [from excitement],” says the community chief, who reckons his age at around 60. Like his father before...
Papua New Guinea
2024 - FAO

Статья информационного бюллетеня
Europe/IYAFA: Future Reimagined

Participants from 16 European countries discussed the analytical framework for better governance of fisheries, employing imaginative tools for greater collaboration
The last of the series of IYAFA workshops was convened by the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) in collaboration with Low Impact Fishers of Europe (LIFE) and Mulleres Salgadas (MuS). The regional workshop for Europe was held on November 13-16, 2023, in Galicia, Spain. With its participatory and...
2024 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Тематическое исследование
Mainstreaming biodiversity in forestry

Country case studies
Forests harbour a large proportion of the Earth’s terrestrial biodiversity, which continues to be lost at an alarming rate. Deforestation is the single most important driver of forest biodiversity loss with 10 million ha of forest converted every year to other land uses, primarily for agriculture. Up to 30 percent...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ethiopia - Finland - Japan - Malaysia - Mexico - Peru - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2024 - FAO

Farms. Food. Future. Agriculture's Indigenous trailblazers

Over 80 per cent of our planet's biodiversity is found on the territories of Indigenous Peoples, who have been farming for generations while caring for forests, deserts, grasslands and oceans. By growing food sustainably, they are leading the way on transforming food systems. On this episode, Indigenous leaders from Nepal, Mexico...
2024 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Статья в блоге
Cultivating Change: Indigenous Strategies for Sustainable Food Systems

Friday, August 9th was designated as the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples in December of 1994 by the UN General Assembly resolution 49/214. The specific date was chosen to commemorate the first meeting of the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations. Indigenous peoples occupy or use approximately 22% of...
2024 - Cambridge Core Blog

Beyond Offsets: People and planet-centred responses to the climate and biodiversity crisis

Funding that works: increasing the focus on non-market, sustained and long-term thinking Resource mobilisation and appropriate funding for biodiversity and climate action are key challenges in meeting the global commitments made to address these issues. While huge attention is paid to the emergence of so-called ‘nature markets’ and financial instruments linked...
2024 - Rainforest Foundation UK

Is indigenous knowledge serving climate adaptation? Evidence from various African regions

Motivation Communities across the global south use their rich indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) to predict weather events and climate hazards. ILK may assist efforts to address climate change challenges in Africa and make subsequent decisions regarding climate adaptation. Purpose The article documents evidence of the ILK's potential in reducing vulnerability to climate...

Empowering indigenous communities through coffee: The Story of Akha Ama

It was among the indigenous cultures of the mountains of Thailand, that the social enterprise idea was born. Hence Akha Ama Coffee, a coffee roastery and shop in Chiang Mai that only sells coffee from indigenous communities, with whom it trades directly. The manager, Lee Ayu, is not just a...
2024 - Slow Food

Presentación Estudio “Experiencias entre sector privado y pueblos indígenas en América Latina”

Nuestra región está habitada por más de 800 pueblos indígenas, los cuales están expuestos, en diferentes niveles, a una gran variedad de desafíos, impuestos por las sociedades modernas. Uno importante es la fuerte y creciente presencia de empresas privadas en sus territorios, las cuales, pese a la existencia de un...
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

The Indigenous World 2024

The Indigenous World is the unique result of a collaborative effort between Indigenous and non-indigenous activists and scholars who voluntarily document and report on the situation of Indigenous Peoples’ rights. This yearly overview serves to document and report on the developments Indigenous Peoples have experienced throughout 2023. The Indigenous World 2024...
2024 - The International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)

Электронные учебные курсы
Diálogos de Saberes y Prácticas de la Agricultura Familiar. La agricultura familiar frente al cambio climático: experiencias y soluciones desde la Agroecología

Reflexionar sobre los desafíos para avanzar en una agenda de transformación de los sistemas alimentarios y de construcción de sociedades más prosperas e inclusivas pasa por hacer frente a los efectos/impactos del cambio climático y fortalecer iniciativas que permitan una transición a sistemas productivos más sostenible. El hambre y la...
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Газетная статья
Curbing the major and growing threats from invasive alien species is urgent and achievable

Although invasive alien species have long been recognized as a major threat to nature and people, until now there has been no comprehensive global review of the status, trends, drivers, impacts, management and governance challenges of biological invasions. The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Thematic Assessment Report...

Электронные учебные курсы
Ciclo de Aprendizaje Regional: Lecciones aprendidas para la inversión en delimitación y reconocimiento de territorios indígenas y afrodescendientes de América Latina

Un ciclo para intercambiar experiencias entre diferentes países y brindar orientación y recomendaciones, con el objetivo de abordar procesos de regularización y fortalecimiento de los derechos de tenencia de los pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes. El análisis de los derechos a la tierra y los territorios de estas colectividades permitirá ahondar...
2023 - International Land Coalition América Latina y el Caribe (ILC LAC)

Slow Food highlights the importance of indigenous foods at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

The 23rd session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), held in New York from April 17 to 28, will focus on Indigenous Peoples, human health, planetary and territorial health and climate change: a rights-based approach.
Members of the Slow Food Indigenous Peoples’ network will be present at the Forum, including six delegates from Taiwan, representing the Amis, Taroko and Paiwan indigenous peoples’ communities. They are there to showcase the incredible biodiversity of Taiwan, and how Indigenous communities have protected it. “We would like the world to be...
Taiwan Province of China
2023 - Slow Food

Статья в блоге
Nuevo proyecto de la FAO y Guatemala fortalecerá los medios de vida de 116 mil personas del área rural del país

La Organización de Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) y el Gobierno de Guatemala firmaron el acuerdo del proyecto Medios de vida resilientes de pequeños agricultores vulnerables en los paisajes mayas y el corredor seco de Guatemala (RELIVE), iniciativa que proveerá de condiciones para mejorar la seguridad...
2023 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Total results:975