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codexalimentarius > Survey on food safety

WEB platform to collect information on member countries’ food safety control systems - Brief Notes

This web platform has been developed by FAO, WHO and the Codex Secretariat in response to the request of the 38th Session of the CAC. This platform should provide a global source of information for Codex members on national food safety control systems.

The Codex Contact Points of member countries are encouraged to provide or update data three months before each session of the relevant FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee at the latest, after due consultation of ministries and agencies responsible for food safety/food control. The platform will be populated directly by the Codex Contact Points of members. Data will be used by FAO/WHO to prepare a discussion paper for FAO/WHO Coordinating Committees, which usually meet every other year. In advance of FAO/WHO Regional Coordinating Committees, the Codex Secretariat will issue a reminder for members to update the information in the on-line system with a deadline for submitting information.

Answers to Question 11 will be handled by FAO/WHO with care and would only be published in a summary format that would not allow identification of the names of responding Codex members. Answers to all other questions will be made accessible to all Codex members. Codex Contact Points are invited to update data as new data become available.

The platform will be progressively developed, with new questions being added in conjunction with each cycle of regional coordinating committees.

Instruction points

The page is self-explanatory. However, you may want to note the following points:

a. The icon indicates the possibility to add rows in order to enter additional pieces of information. Up to 10 rows can be added;

b. The icon , which is shown after clicking the “plus” icon, indicates the possibility to remove rows (they will be deleted including the content);

c. You will note that some text boxes are expandable up to a maximum limit of 500 words;

d. Click on the “Save” button at the bottom to save the entered information. After exiting, you can always re-enter and add or change the information;

e. In the status dropdown select “Published” instead of “Draft” and then click on “Save” to actually publish on the Codex website. The information inserted will be visible in the member detail page.

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