Global Farmer Field School Platform
Number of documents: 542

Gender and IPM in Nepal

Case study

2000 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - The FAO Inter-Country Programme for IPM in vegetables in South and Southeast Asia
This article explores the relationship of women and IPM in agriculture in Nepal. The goal is to promote the implementations of programme in which women and men will benefit equally.
Production system:

Insect Pest Management in Tropical Asian irrigated Rice

Case study

2000 - Annual Review of Entomology - P. C. Matteson
This article is a review of the implementation of Rice IPM in Tropical Asia,
Production system: Cereals

Claim no easy victories: Evaluating the Pesticide Industry's Global Safe Use Campaign

Case study

2000 - World Development - Gerd Walter-Echols, Harry van der Wulp
The pesticide industry's Global Safe Use campaign has reportedly produced a dramatic decline in pesticide-related health and environmental problems in Guatemala. This paper challenges this claim, reanalyzing existing data and further evaluating claims of the campaign's efficacy.
Production system:

Farmer field schools and local agricultural research committees: complementary platforms for integrated decision-making in sustainable agriculture

Technical background material

2000 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Ann R. Braun, Graham Thiele and María Fernández
Farmer field schools (FFS) and local agricultural research committees (CIALs) are participatory platforms for improving decision-making capacity and stimulating local innovation for sustainable agriculture. CIALs are a permanent agricultural research service staffed by a team of four or more volunteer farmers elected by the community. The committees create a link [...]
Production system:

Reconceptualizing Participation for Sustainable Rural Development towards a Negotiation Approach


2000 - Development and Change - Cees Leeuwis
In many popular intervention methodologies aimed at stimulating sustainable rural development (in the widest possible sense) the idea of ‘participation’ is a leading principle. This article will demonstrate that the process in which actors are supposed to participate is often thought of as being a process of planning, decision‐making and/or [...]
Production system:

Health Effects of Pesticide use among Indonesian Women Farmers. Part II: Reproductive Health outcomes

Case study

2000 - Journal of Agromedicine - Helen Murphy, Arik Sanusi, Russ Dilts, S. Yuliantiningsih, N. Hirschhorn, M. Djajadisastra
A study conducted on female spray operators and a non operators to assess the reproductive impacts of pesticide use.
Production system:

A Manual to Facilitate Participatory Planning Activities to Empower Community IPM

Training material

1999 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Mufid A. Busyairi
Production system:

Science and Farmers: IPM by farmers

Case study

1999 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Programme for Community IPM in Asia - Peter A. C. Ooi
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A Village Planning Meeting, Yen Phuong Village, Vietnam

Case study

1999 - The Vietnam National IPM Programme - The Vietnam National IPM Programme
Document describing a village planning meeting in Vietnam.
Production system:

Interaction between Scientists and Nonscientists in Community-based Watershed Management: Emergence of the Concept of Stream Naturalization


1999 - Environmental Management - Bruce L Rhoads, David Wilson, Michael Urban, Edwin E Herricks
The authors' personal experience in watershed planning and decision making in the agricultural Midwest is described to illustrate how: (1) formalization of the process of community-based management is not sufficient to guarantee that local people will meaningfully consider scientific information and opinion when making decisions about watersheds, and (2) genuine [...]
Production system: