Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs

Au Burkina Faso, les changements climatiques ont des impacts importants sur les écosystèmes agrosylvopastoraux halieutiques et fauniques, menaçant les moyens de subsistance de la grande majorité des communautés rurales dont la situation socio-économique difficile limite les capacités de résilience. Face...

Production system: Livestock

15 Avril 2021 de 14h30-16h30 (heure de Dakar)

Ce webinaire s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’accompagnement de la FAO au processus Koronivia. L’Action Commune de Koronivia pour l’Agriculture est une décision historique de la (COP23) en 2017 reconnaissant le rôle...

Production system:

This story has been prepared and published by the International Potato Center (CIP)

Malawi suffers from high rates of poverty, food insecurity and malnutrition. With most of the population relying on agriculture for their livelihoods, this project aims to promote climate-resilient,...

Production system:

To strengthen resilience in the Horn of Africa against natural hazards like drought, which can lead to cattle losses and increased food insecurity, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is supporting pastoralists in northeastern Kenya’s Mandera County to...

Production system: Livestock

Climate change can cause long-lasting, more frequent dry spells – a particular problem for pastoralists in the Horn of Africa as this leads to livestock losses, increased food insecurity and spiralling poverty. In Mandera County in northeastern Kenya, FAO is supporting pastoralists...

Production system: Livestock
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