Mécanisme forêts et paysans

Webinar: Using a tree inventory for business development - 20 May at 1-3pm

Watch the video of the event

Kenya is a wood deficit country and farm forestry has been promoted for a long time to meet the growing timber demand and to comply with a constitutional target of 10% national tree cover. Currently, timber from farms accounts for about 40% of the national timber supply. Nyandarua County is one of the leading regions with high coverage of farm forestry. However, there are no national or county level statistics on the farm timber stock that could enable development of an evidence based business plan for farm timber.

In this webinar, we present how the Nyandarua Tree Growers Association (TGAN) in Kenya carried out a detailed tree inventory, used it to develop a bankable business plan based on the aggregation and sale of wood products, and started engaging with financing institutions. The case of TGAN is of interest to other producer organizations, financial institutions, and other partners. We also present the draft of the tools and processes used with TGAN in the expectation they will be useful in some other locations.


  • Share the rationale and motivation for the farm tree inventory by TGAN
  • Share main results of tree inventory linked to a bankable business plan of TGAN
  • Share the methodology for the facilitative support provided by FAO and FFF for the preparation


  1. Feedback on the business plan of TGAN from finance partners in Kenya
  2. Feedback from FFF countries on the tools under development  and their applicability


Forest and Farm Producer Organizations from 10 core FFF countries from Africa, Asia and Latin America; Financing and development partners (Equity Bank, Kuscco, Rabobank, FAO,  IIED, IUCN, AGRICORD, Hivos, Tropenbos, TNC African Tree fund, ZANACO, FMO Ghana etc.);  government representatives.


13:00 – 15:00 GMT+2




13:00 – 13:05

Testing sound/video


13:05 – 13:10

Objective of the meeting & overview of the programme 

Jeffrey Y. Campbell, FAO Forest and Farm Facility Manager (Moderator) 

13:10 – 13:15

Welcome remarks, FAO Forestry 

Mette Løyche Wilkie, Director, Forest Policy and Resources Division, FAO 

13:15 – 13:20

Opening remarks, Government of Kenya 

Milkah Wanjiru, Executive Committee Member Water, Environment, Tourism and Natural Resources Nyandarua County 

13:20 – 13:25 

Introductory remarks by the Chairman of the Tree Growers Association of Nyandarua (TGAN) 

Benjamin Karanja, Chairman, Tree Growers Association of Nyandarua 

13:25 – 13:40

Tools and approach used and their rationale:
-Market Analysis and Development Framework
-Tree inventory
-Bankable business plan, Learning Guide 

- Sophie Grouwels, Forestry Officer, FAO/FFF
- Benjamin Caldwell, Forestry Officer, FAO
- Marco Boscolo, Forestry Officer, FAO 

13:40 – 14:05

- Farm Forestry Smallholder Producers Association of Kenya and its relationship with TGAN
- Main results of TGAN tree inventory and business plan 

- Geoffrey Wanyama, CEO, Farm Forestry Smallholder Producers Association of Kenya
- Thomas Gichuru, Business Manager, Tree Growers Association of Nyandarua 

14:05 – 14:25

Questions and answers 

Moderated by Jeffrey Campbell and Jhony Zapata (Forestry Officer FFF/FAO) 

14:25 14:30 

Next steps in Kenya 

Philip Kisoyan, FFF Kenya 

14:30 – 14:35

Closing remarks 

Jeffrey Campbell