Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Ms. Mamiya Binte Ahsan

Agricultural Information Institute, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences

Agriculture extension and agriculture advisory (AEAS) connect both gender equality and nutrition knowledge together. Working directly with farmers in different settings the knowledge of nutrition and gender coordination became healthier in rural areas. It’s now common in Bangladesh that women are equally working in agriculture sector keeping pace with men but they are facing dominance to obtain equal opportunities like men. These experience helps farmers for better incomes, strengthen the role of women, improve family health and also increases the nutrition knowledge. For more agriculture productivity, information and communication technology are now expanding their technology for the betterment of agriculture. With the help of agriculture extension now farmers can connect with the new technologies and get up to date with all the important and valuable information in such short time.

  • Insisting youth involvement by engaging them in practical work.
  • Create more nutrition based knowledge information through technologies.
  • Sharing knowledge about information and communication technology.
  • Promote a nutrition based awareness knowledge.
  • Exchange the ideas about new technology and food nutrition among youth.

Women are more focused in agriculture development. Women empowerment need to start from the root level and agriculture takes this one step ahead. On the other hand, women are more conscious and aware about promoting nutrition knowledge in the family.