نظم التراث الزراعي ذات الأهمية العالمية

أوروبا و آسيا الوسطى

In this region, 8 agriculture heritage sites were designated so far in 3 countries: 2 in Italy, 5 in Spain, and one in Portugal.

To view the list of designated sites per country, click on the photo. Don't miss visiting each designated system's dedicated webpages to discover more information, photos, videos, news, and stories.


Designated sites

Olive Groves of the Slopes between Assisi and Spoleto


Soave Traditional Vineyards


Proposed sites

Lemon Gardens and the terraced Agricultural System in Amalfi and Amalfi Coast


Designated sites

Barroso Agro-sylvo-pastoral System


Proposed sites

The Montado on the Serpa Hills