Food Policy and Market Developments

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The Government of Bangladesh has announced that it will import 950 000 tonnes of wheat during 2015/16 marketing year (July/June), about three times more than the reduced level of 324 [...]
The Government of India has confirmed earlier plans and announced the introduction of a 10 percent duty on wheat imports beginning from early August until 31 March 2016. The measure [...]
Under a Government to Government deal, China has agreed to buy 1 million tonnes of rice from Thailand before the end of 2015. China will buy Thai 5 percent broken [...]
In the past 5 years, China has imported an average of 10 million tonnes of grain (maize, barley and wheat). In line with a loan-for-grains deal signed in 2012, Ukraine [...]
In mid-August 2015, Russia announced that it will plans to add new countries to its Western food import ban. The measure is in response to countries that have supported the [...]
Starting from early August 2015, the Government of Ethiopia has lifted the ban on importation of palm oil by private companies. The Government has selected nine enterprises that are in [...]
Starting October 2015, in addition to its existing purchases of wheat and rice, India plans to buy oilseeds and pulses directly from farmers. The measure aims to boost domestic production [...]
In July 2015, Indonesia stopped issuing import permits for maize used in feed mills as a measure to support domestic farmers and to move towards self-sufficiency. From 2016, the Government [...]
In mid-August 2015, Thailand is planning to auction an additional 660 000 tonnes of rice in an open tender as a measure to cut down its accumulated rice stocks. The [...]
The Government of India plans to introduce a 10 percent duty on wheat imports as a measure to curb world market purchases and encourage consumption of the ample stocks in [...]