Partenariat mondial sur les sols

AfriLAB: Regional Soil Laboratory Network for Africa | First meeting

21 - 24 May 2019 | Nairobi, Kenya

  • Item 3: Overview on the status of laboratories in RESOLAN-Africa - Lucrezia Caon
  • Item 4: National laboratories’ presentation (in alphabetic order)
    • Botswana - Soil And Plant Analytical Laboratory, Ms. Lesego Mooketsi-Selepe
    • Cameroon - Laboratory Of Soils, Plants, Water And Fertilizer Analysis, Ms. Mfopou Mewouo Yvette Clarisse
    • Chad - Laboratoire D’analyse Des Sols Eaux Et Plants, Ms. Namba Yotoudjim Fabienne
    • Djibouti - Laboratoire de Pédologie, Mr. Nasser Mohamed Nasser
    • Ethiopia - National Soil Testing Center, Mr. Haile Fikre Mekuria
    • Ghana - Soil Research Institute Analytical Services Laboratory, Mr. Sadick Adams
    • Kenya - National Agricultural Soil Laboratories, Ms. Anne Muriuki
    • Kenya - University Of Eldoret Biotech Center, Mr. Odipo Osano
    • Kenya - ICRAF: Soil-plant spectral diagnostics laboratory, Mr. Elvis Weullow
    • Lesotho - Soils Laboratory, Mr. Malefetsane Khesuoe
    • Malawi - Soil And Plant Analytical Research Laboratory, Mr. Emmanuel Mbewe
    • Malawi - Chitedze Soils Laboratory, Mr. Moses W. Munthali
    • Malawi - FES – Agricultural Laboratory, Mr. Luca Desideri
    • Mauritania - Laboratoire De Pédologie Et Fertilisatio, Mr. Cheikh Ahmed El Moctar
    • Mozambique - Laboratorio Regional De Analise De Solos E Plantas, Mr. Momade Ibraimo
    • Namibia - Analytical Services and Product Development, Ms. Ella Shiningayamwe
    • Niger - Laboratoire Sol, Eau, Plante et Engrais, Mr. Abdourahaman Moustapha
    • Nigeria - National Soil Laborotory, Federal Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development Kaduna, Mr. Williams Egbe
    • Nigeria - International Institute Of Tropical Agriculture, Mr. Uponi Joseph
    • Rwanda - Analytical Laboratory For Soil And Plant, Mr. Sirikare N. Sylvere
    • Tanzania - Mlingano soil lab, Ms. Neema Mzava
    • Togo - Laboratoire Des Sols, Eau, Végétaux Et Engrais, Mr. Ani E. Sekou Samuel
    • Zambia - ZARI, Ms. Belinda Kaninga
    • Zimbabwe - Chemistry And Soils Reasearch Institute Laboratory, Mr. Misi Amos Manyanga
    • Zimbabwe - Soil Science & Agricultural Engineering Laboratories, Mr. Takesure Tendayi
  • Item 6: Introduction to the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) and compilation of regional inputs on the network - Lucrezia Caon
  • Item 7: Poster exercise on Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance
  • Field visit: Spectroscopy - A new paradigm for Evidence-based Land &Soil Management recommendations, Mr. Ermias Betemariam, Mr. Erick Towett & Mr. Andrew Sila World Agroforestry (ICRAF), Kenya 
  • Item 13: Quality assurance – Giving confidence in analytical reliability, Mr. Michael Watts, British Geological Survey, United Kingdom
  • Item 14: Why is a Quality Management System useful? Prof. Odipo Osano, University of Eldoret Biotech Center , Kenya
  • Item 15: Proficiency Testing (PT) exercise
    • Mr. Michael Watts, British Geological Survey, United Kingdom
    • Mr. Emmanuel Mbewe, Soil And Plant Analytical Research Laboratory, Malawi
    • Mr. Takesure Tendayi, Soil Science & Agricultural Engineering Laboratories, Zimbabwe
  • Item 16: Poster exercise on the development of a plan for improvement aimed at building resilience