Global Soil Partnership

GSOC map training in Turkey

The training on digital soil organic carbon mapping has been jointly organized by the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) and General Directorate Of Agricultural Research And Policies, Turkey. Prior to the training, a side meeting was organised to discuss the Turkey’s contribution to the Global Soil Organic Carbon Map (GSOCmap) initiative and agreed on timely delivery of the National Soil Organic Carbon Map in line with GSOCmap technical specifications. 

As part of the GSP’s capacity development and improvement programme, FAO/GSP have organised a one week training in Izmir, Turkey. The main goal of the training was to increase the capacity of Turkey on digital soil mapping, new approaches on data collection, data processing and modelling of soil organic carbon. This 5 day training is titled ‘’Training on Digital Soil Organic Carbon Mapping’’ was held in IARTC - International Agricultural Research and Education Center in Menemen, Izmir on 20-25 August, 2017,  with 17 soil experts from national research institutes.

Presentations | Photos

21 Aug 2017
- 25 Aug 2017
Izmir, Turkey