Глобальное почвенное партнерство

VIII National Soil Congress - Bolivia

"Fertile soils, when present challenges the sustainable future of Bolivia". The event will be held on November 13, 14 and 15, 2017, in Santa Cruz de la Sierra - Bolivia. Registration is open for students, professionals and others until this September 30, 2017.  

Soil is an essential natural resource for life, and if used properly can be the basis for achieving sustainable development. That is why it is important to maintain its productivity in order to strike a balance between food production and rapid population growth.   At present, because of its unsustainable use that causes a series of negative impacts, the soil resource is undergoing processes of accelerated degradation that are translated in low productivity, progressive desertification with serious consequences in the production of foods.

13 Nov 2017
- 15 Nov 2017
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia