Global Soil Partnership

Discover the members of the new ITPS expert panel!

The 3rd Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS) will meet for the first time for its 9th Working session from 10-12 October 2018 at FAO HQ in Rome. The new board ensures proper regional balance, optimal coverage of the range of scientific and practical areas of expertise required by the wide GSP mandate, as well as gender balance.


After the publication of the Call for experts to serve on the ITPS (February – March 2018), the GSP Secretariat screened the received nominations and consolidated a final list of candidates that were submitted to FAO Members in mid- April 2018. Members examined them according to their procedures bearing in mind regional distribution and gender balance, and submitted to the GSP Secretariat the list of selected regional experts at the beginning of May 2018. The VI GSP Plenary Assembly (11 – 13 June 2018) appointed the new list of 27 experts to serve for a three-year term as members of the ITPS, approving the establishment of the Panel on that basis.

  • Five from Africa: Nsalambi Vakanda Nkongolo (Democratic Republic of the Congo); Matshwene Edwin Moshia III (South Africa); Lydia Mumbi Chabala (Republic of Zambia); Générose Nziguhueba (Burundi); Edmond Hien (Burkina Fasu).
  • Five from Asia: Ashok K. Patra (Republic of India); Jin Ke (People's Republic of China); Chencho Norbu (Kingdom of Bhutan); Jun Murase (Japan); Mohammad Jamal Khan (Islamic Republic of Pakistan).
  • Five from Europe: Costanza Calzolari (Italy); Ellen R. Graber (State of Israel); Peter de Ruiter (The Netherlands); Maria Konyushkova (The Russian Federation); Rosa Poch (Kingdom of Spain).
  • Five from Latin America and the Caribbean: Adalberto Benavides Mendoza (United Mexican States); Martha Marina Bolanos Benavides (Republic of Colombia); Fernando Garcia Préchac (Oriental Republic of Uruguay); Lucía Helena Cunha dos Anjos (Federative Republic of Brazil); Samuel Francke-Campaña (Republic of Chile).
  • Three from Near East: Kutaiba M. Hassan (Republic of Iraq); Rafla Sahli E. Attia (Republic of Tunisia); Saéb AbdelHaleem Khresat (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan).
  • Two from North America: Gary Pierzynski (United States of America); David Allen Lobb (Canada).
  • Two from South West Pacific: Siosiua Halavatau (Kingdom of Tonga); Megan Balks (New Zealand).

They all share a recognized academic profile, experience at international and national level in different soil-related activities in line with the 5 GSP Pillars of Action, expertise in key topics, such as sustainable soil management, soil organic carbon, soil pollution, soil fertility, soil biodiversity, soil restoration, soil mapping and information systems, and a sound record of peer-reviewed publications. Within the framework of their expertise and responsibilities they will substantially contribute to the work of the GSP, providing a 360-degree technical and political feedback useful to bring the soil agenda forward.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of the ITPS main tasks: (1) provide scientific and technical advice on global soil issues primarily to the GSP and in relation to specific requests submitted by global or regional institutions; (2) advocate for the inclusion of sustainable soil management into different development agendas; (3) review and follow up on the situation and issues related to soils in the contexts of food security, use and management of natural resources […]; (3) follow up on the implementation of the GSP Plans of Action with due attention to their impact and contributions to different global policies and initiatives related to sustainable development, food security, climate change and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Secretariat has been asked by the Plenary to continue supporting and facilitating the activities of the III Panel of the ITPS, including the organization of its first meeting, and assisting with its internal organization and administrative issues.

The key points that will be under discussion during this intense working days of the ITPS 9th Working session includes:

  • Appoint a Chairperson of the ITPS by consensus;
  • Report on the collaboration between ITPS and the WHO, UN Environment and BRS Conventions for GSOP18;
  • Follow up on the GSP Plans of Action and the Regional Implementation Plans;
  • Review of the work plan for ITPS 2018-2021.

Further information: