KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Reclaiming Greenery in Cox's Bazar


The Energy and Environment Technical Working Group (EETWG), together with the Government of Bangladesh, UN agencies, national and international NGOs, is coordinating extensive planting activities and the provision of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders in the Rohingya refugee camps and nearby host communities, ensuring sustainability, growth, and protection for the environment, biodiversity and communities in Cox’s Bazar.

Check out this video to see the joint impact of environment and energy interventions in the Rohingya refugee camps.

In just 3 years, planting, reforestation, LPG fuel and other interventions have made a huge difference. The members of the Energy and Environment Technical Working Group, continues to work in support of the Government of Bangladesh, refugees and local communities to improve the natural environment.

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