Mesoamerica Hunger Free AMEXCID-FAO


“Mesoamerica Hunger Free AMEXCID-FAO” has ten national components and a Mesoamerican component responsible for overall coordination. 

At a regional level, the Programme encourages dialogue and know-how exchange in order to jointly find solutions to common challenges among Mesoamerican countries. In this framework, “Mesoamerica Hunger Free AMEXCID-FAO” focuses on facilitating articulation and feedback processes between academia and actors responsible for the design and implementation of public policies; providing validated methodological tools to relevant actors and favoring synergies identification and supplementary resources mobilization; and promoting in the media and the political agendas the importance of the fight against hunger and rural poverty.

Through a South-South and Triangular Cooperation mechanism, the Programme strengthens the relations and technical assistance among Mexican and Mesoamerican institutions and other public and private institutions of the region. These institutions link through short-term initiatives, such as the exchange of development solutions (know-how, experiences, best practices, policies, technology, technical knowledge, resources, etc.) regarding imperative matters, through the support and advice of the FAO.

These are some of the actions that “Mesoamerica Hunger Free AMEXCID-FAO” promotes at a regional level:


  • Providing technical assistance to the national chapters of the Parliamentary Front against Hunger and facilitating their participation in forums for the exchange of experiences and capacity building. 
  • Technical advice to the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (Parlatino) on the formulation, approval and dissemination of model laws (including family farming, small-scale fisheries, community water and sanitation systems).
  • Technical assistance to Parlatino in the preparation of Guidelines for recovery with rural transformation and climate action together with indigenous and afro-descendant peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Support for the carrying out of research studies related to the right to food within the framework of the Right to Food Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Creation of the “Parliamentary Community of Knowledge” platform, in collaboration with PARLATINO, which includes three modules: (i) Catalogue of normative instruments related to food security and nutrition and rural development; (ii) Catalogue of research studies on the human right to adequate food; and (iii) Catalogue of tools for a hunger free Mesoamerica; as well as a glossary of terms related to the fight against hunger and rural poverty.
  • Establishment of pilot rainwater harvesting systems in six countries.
  • Facilitating exchange of experiences regarding water culture and management between Mesoamerican countries.