Mesoamerica Hunger Free AMEXCID-FAO


In Panama, "Mesoamerica Hunger Free AMEXCID-FAO" is focused on strengthening the institutional framework as a key element for the design and implementation of effective public policies on food security and nutrition and the strengthening of family farming. The Programme supports the definition of action plans and the establishment of consultative structures to facilitate the implementation and follow-up of the actions envisaged in these plans.

Some of the results achieved and the actions that “Mesoamerica Hunger Free AMEXCID-FAO” supports in Panama are the following:


  • Preparation and implementation of the Food and Nutritional Security Plan 2016-2020.
  • Formal approval of the concept and typologies of family farming.
  • Pilot exercise for the registration of family farming, systematization and dissemination of the methodology.
  • Design and implementation of the Integrated Agricultural Management System.
  • Support for the establishment of the National Committee for Dialogue on Family Farming (CONADAF), which brings together 12 provincial, county and collective land committees.
  • Technical support in the participatory construction and approval of the National Family Farming Plan. 
  • Technical support in the formulation, approval and implementation of the Family Farming Law.
  • Study on food supply and demand by public institutions.
  • Preparation of outreach materials for the school population in the province of Panama Oeste and the Guna Yala and Ngäbe Buglé indigenous regions.
  • Preparation of a proposal for a National Water Harvesting Plan.
  • Technical support in conducting research to help justify with scientific evidence the need to legislate in favor of front labeling of nutritional warnings.