UN climate change conference acknowledges agriculture sectors’ critical role
17 November 2017, Bonn/Rome–-- The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP23) today recognized the importance of agriculture for the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Specifically, parties to COP23 requested that two subsidiary bodies of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change work together on addressing issues related to agriculture. These include areas of action on soil, livestock, nutrient and water management, adaptation and on the food security and socio-economic impacts of climate change across the agriculture sectors.

Alexandre Meybeck, FAO Principal Adviser on agriculture and climate change, tells more about the decision adopted today at COP23. (Interview conducted by Murielle Sarr)
02min. 58sec.
Sujet(s): Agriculture & cultures, Biodiversité, Changement climatique, Développement rural ou agricole, Environnement/Ressources naturelles, Interview, Production & stocks alimentaires, Sécurité alimentaire, SDGs, Zero Hunger
Produit par: FAO
Référence: 12281