Podcast: Objectif Faim Zéro

Objectif Faim Zéro: Chaque podcast met en lumière des questions liées à l’agriculture, l’alimentation, la pêche ou la sécurité alimentaire. Avec l’aide de nos agents sur le terrain, nous donnons la parole aux agriculteurs, aux communautés, aux bénéficiaires. | Disponible sur SoundcloudSpotify, iTunes et Stitcher.

How can satellites benefit agriculture? In this week’s episode we take a closer look at how remote sensing -- or earth monitoring from space – helps farmers and governments take [...]
What do drones have to offer to agriculture? That’s the central question in this week’s episode, which will take us from the Philippines to the U.S. state of Kansas. 
What do cucumbers, mustard, almonds and alfalfa have in common? They all owe their existence to the service of bees.
Brazil's Pantanal region is the world's largest tropical wetland. How can the genetic heritage of the region's signature cow benefit food security on an increasingly harsher planet?
This week, we walk you through some fertile ground by digging into the ideas and perceptions concerning one of our world’s most powerful super foods. We explore why pulses have become [...]
