
Resource Partners
31 Jan 2020
With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, FAO’s mandate has been reinforced and scaled up to a depth and scope that calls for a greater commitment in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Much still needs to be done in order to mobilize sufficient resources and support to meet the global necessities related to the eradication of hunger, malnutrition and poverty globally. Deepening our engagement with key resource partners and fostering new alliances with like-minded players is essential for generating real and far-reaching impact on the ground. This...
Resource Partners
30 Jan 2020
France has long been an active and generous resource partner, working closely with FAO in support of shared food security and agricultural development goals. French expertise and seconded personnel make a vital contribution to the achievement of the Organization’s mandate, and the country plays a major role in catalysing global and regional cooperation. France continues to support a wide range of programmes, with a recent focus on food security governance, climate change and resilience, agroecology, family farming, animal health, and sustainable management of forests and lands.
Resource Partners
15 Jan 2020
Japan has been among FAO’s foremost partners since the country joined the Organization in 1951, working to build food security and promoting the sustainable use of natural resources. The country’s financial contributions, expertise and human capital are vital to FAO’s work on a broad range of topics, including international standard-setting, climate change mitigation and adaptation, response to transboundary plant and animal pests and diseases, nutrition, Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems, and emergency response and resilience-building.
Resource Partners
14 Jan 2020
Japan has been among FAO’s foremost partners since the country joined the Organization in 1951, working to build food security and promoting the sustainable use of natural resources. The country’s financial contributions, expertise and human capital are vital to FAO’s work on a broad range of topics, including international standard-setting, climate change mitigation and adaptation, response to transboundary plant and animal pests and diseases, nutrition, Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS), emergency response and resilience building.
Private Sector
01 Jan 2020
مبادرة منظمة الأغذية والزراعة القائمة على الأدلة، والتي تقودها البلدان، والهادفة إلى تسريع التحول الزراعي والتنمية الريفية المستدامة للقضاء على الفقر (الهدف 1 من الأهداف الإنمائية للألفية) والقضاء على الجوع وجميع أشكال سوء التغذية (الهدف 2 من الأهداف الإنمائية للألفية). وهي بذلك تسهم في تحقيق جميع أهداف التنمية المستدامة. وتوللي هذه المبادرة الأولوية للبلدان التي تكون فيها القدرات الوطنية والدعم الدولي الأكثر محدودية، أو تلك التي تكون فيها التحديات التشغيلية، بما في ذلك الأزمات الطبيعية أو التي من صنع الإنسان، هي أكبر التحديات