
Private Sector
22 Oct 2019
At the time of its adoption in 2013, FAO’s Strategy for Partnerships with the Private Sector contributed to more private sector collaboration and resulted in several formal agreements being signed. Following the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, and the SDGs, several UN organizations shifted gear and established deeper and more proactive partnerships with the private sector. In this context, FAO has not positioned itself to fully capitalize on such potential and maintains a more conservative approach. Meanwhile, those partnership formalized by FAO with private sector entities have yielded positive but limited results, and appear to have been more opportunistic and...
Civil Society
30 Sep 2019
The purpose of the Monitoring Framework is to serve as an instrument for cities and urban food stakeholders to identify food-related policy and programme priorities. The Framework also serves to illustrate to what extent “desired changes” are happening and/or how impactful such changes are. If measured periodically, the Framework can be used to evaluate gaps in policy advancement and resource mobilization as well as reveal overall urban food systems improvement.
Resource Partners
23 Sep 2019
This second edition of FAO’s resource mobilization annual report, Resources, Partnerships, Impact – 2019, seeks to communicate, in a transparent and accountable way, who FAO is, what we do, and how we work with diverse United Nations and other partners to achieve our goals.
South-south Cooperation
11 Sep 2019
This brochure has been jointly developed to showcase concrete examples of how the RBAs promote South-South initiatives at the country level. Focusing on the theme of the joint celebration of the 2019 UN Day for South-South Cooperation, leaving no one behind in achieving SDG 2, the cases highlight opportunities to enhance collaboration in the fight against hunger and malnutrition to realize Zero Hunger by 2030. 
South-south Cooperation
26 Jul 2019
Ce rapport présente les travaux d’un atelier intitulé «Plateforme d’échange de connaissances: renforcer la cohérence entre l’agriculture et la protection sociale pour promouvoir la résilience en Afrique francophone», tenu du 27 au 19 novembre 2018 à Dakar (Sénégal) et organisé par la Délégation générale à la protection sociale et à la solidarité nationale (DGPSN). L’atelier a encouragé une coordination intersectorielle et une meilleure cohérence afin de renforcer de manière plus efficace la résilience et soutenir des moyens d’existence durables afin de réduire la pauvreté rurale. L’atelier a été conjointement organisé par les Divisions de la Coopération Sud-Sud (SSC)...