
12 Dec 2017
Director-General attends One Planet summit in Paris
Resource Partners
11 Dec 2017
Rome, 11 December 2017: With the signing of six agreements with FAO, the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) has made a strong statement in support of the global goals to achieve sufficient and safe food for all, to promote sustainable agriculture and food systems, and to conserve and sustainably use natural resources. To achieve these goals, the initiatives covered by the agreements set out to increase responsible investments in agriculture, to control the introduction and spread of plant pests, to introduce sustainable soil management practices globally, and to maintain the diversity of and access to seeds*.  Switzerland has long been...
Private Sector
06 Dec 2017
The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and Nibulon, a Ukrainian company with over 25 years of experience in the field of grain production, storage, transportation and export, today signed a partnership to focus on improving the efficiency of Egyptian companies involved in grain production, storage and transportation. Abdessalam Ould Ahmed, FAO Assistant Director–General and Regional Representative for the Near East and North Africa, and Oleksiy Vadatursky, CEO and co-owner of Nibulon,...
Parliamentary alliances
06 Dec 2017
Helping family farmers and assuring access to food are key challenges today, FAO’s chief tells British lawmakers
The fight against hunger is at an "inflection point" today and supporting family farmers is critical to its success, FAO Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva told British lawmakers late Monday."The main cause of hunger nowadays is not the lack of food, but the lack of access to it," he said in an address to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Agriculture and Food for Development. It's a paradox that family farmers - those who produce most of the world's food -  are the most at risk of food insecurity. Graziano da Silva called for greater awareness and support of the worsening...
05 Dec 2017
En jetant un regard rétrospectif sur les quatre années de partenariat réussi, la FAO et le CIRAD honorent cette occasion en publiant conjointement les Faits Saillants du Partenariat FAO-CIRAD.
En jetant un regard rétrospectif sur les quatre années de partenariat réussi, la FAO et le CIRAD honorent cette occasion en publiant conjointement les Faits Saillants du Partenariat FAO-CIRAD.  Cette brochure électronique souligne les principes, la vision et les objectifs du partenariat qui a favorisé les collaborations réussies sur des thèmes tels que l'agro écologie, la santé animale, l'agriculture familiale et le changement climatique. La FAO et le CIRAD attendent avec intérêt la prochaine phase de partenariat en vue de renforcer l'impact aux niveaux national, régional et mondial pour favoriser la réalisation des Objectifs de développement durable.