
Preventing a health crisis from becoming a food crisis learning from the COVID19 pandemic experience


FAO Academia Perspective Roundtable (webinar), held on 1 July 2020, brought partners from academic and research institutions, Member representatives, and FAO staff to engage in an open dialogue to better understand opportunities for leveraging partnerships to help prevent a health crisis from turning into a food crisis, [...]

FAO + Australia: Promoting prosperity. Reducing poverty. Enhancing stability.

Resource Partners

We are working together to achieve… Food safety and security, Global stability and peace, Sustainable use of natural resources, A more inclusive and resilient Pacific, …and global health.

Joint FAO + Australia initiatives have helped…

  1. Increase smallholders’ access to markets
  2. Improve productivity and reduce poverty
  3. Build resilience to shocks and crises
  4. Enhance women’s participation in [...]

FAO + China: Partnering for sustainable food security

Resource Partners

Together we are… Developing innovative solutions for poverty reduction, Sharing technical expertise and knowledge through South-South Cooperation, Investing in food security and sustainable agriculture, …. and promoting trade and global health security.

Recent FAO + China initiatives have helped…

  1. Increase cutting-edge policy advice
  2. Deliver technical assistance on food security and safety
  3. Enhance sustainable agricultural [...]

FAO + Republic of Korea: Promoting partnerships for inclusive and sustainable rural development

Resource Partners

Together we are… enhancing global governance for food security, ensuring the sustainable management and use of natural resources, …and protecting global health.

Recent FAO + Republic of Korea initiatives have helped…

  1. Foster inclusive and sustainable rural development
  2. Increase climate change mitigation and adaptation
  3. Improve agricultural production and market access
  4. Promote responsible fisheries management
  5. Share experience and [...]

FAO + UK. Joint efforts for sustainable livelihoods and global food security

Resource Partners

Together we are… keeping our food safe and our planet healthy, providing support across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, investing in climate-smart solutions, providing evidence-based food security and nutrition analysis, … and improving global agricultural and rural statistics.

Recent FAO + UK initiatives have worked to…

  1. Restore and protect the livelihoods of communities affected [...]

FAO + USA Enhancing food security. Protecting global stability. Promoting trade.

Resource Partners

Together we are… supporting peace and stability, promoting agricultural trade and food safety, …and building a food secure future.

FAO + USA initiatives have worked to…

  1. Strengthen the economic sustainability of the agricultural sector with modern science
  2. Harness resilient livelihoods, long-term development and peace
  3. Increase response and preparedness to disasters and crises
  4. Address root causes [...]

FAO + Canada. Building resilience and empowering women for food and nutrition security.

Resource Partners

Together we are… enhancing gender equality and empowering women and girls, promoting science, fair trade and inclusive value chains, fostering natural resource management, supporting innovative partnerships to build resilience, bridging humanitarian and development objectives, …and strengthening food safety and inclusive governance.

FAO + Canada initiatives have worked to…

  1. Ensure decent work for [...]

FAO + New Zealand: Advancing food security and resilience

Resource Partners

Together we are… supporting a more inclusive and resilient Pacific, promoting sustainable resource management and food systems, and fostering food security and trade.

FAO + New Zealand initiatives have worked to…

  1. Increase resilience and response to crises
  2. Build lasting peace and sustainable development
  3. Restore the livelihoods of farmers, livestock holders and fisherfolk, and
  4. Encourage multi-stakeholder [...]

FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme: Voices from the Field

South-south Cooperation

Highlighting the voices of beneficiary farmers and smallholders, as well as FAO Director-General QU Dongyu, this video demonstrates the grassroots impact of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme over the last ten years. Farmers from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mongolia and Uganda share their experiences with the Programme, describing [...]

The Africa Solidarity Trust Fund donates $1 million to efforts to combat Desert Locust in East Africa

Resource Partners

The Africa Solidarity Trust Fund (ASTF) has donated $1 million to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to combat the worsening Desert Locust upsurge in the Horn of Africa. [...]