Centro de conocimiento pastoril


Bamako meeting lays out roadmap for collaboration
The Touareg, Fulani and other pastoralists in West and Central Africa face many challenges: barriers to their mobility, poor security, uncertain land governance, climate change, rapid population growth and inadequate social and financial services. The four biggest networks of livestock herders...

In Somali Region of southeastern Ethiopia, the ongoing drought – the most severe in half a century due to the effects of El Niño – has caused critical feed and water shortages, resulting in abnormal migrations and widespread livestock deaths....
Focus on restoration of degraded drylands in East Africa
Thirty-five experts from Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Fiji, Haiti, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda, as well as from the African Union Commission and from international organisations such as IGAD, NGARA, ICRAF, SPC and FAO gathered in Nairobi to work out detailed...
Nuevo partenariado estratégico en apoyo de la comunidad de pastores
Coalición Internacional para el Acceso a la Tierra (ILC) se ha unido esta semana como socio prioritario al Centro Pastoril de Conocimiento liderado por la FAO en apoyo de las comunidades de pastores. ILC es una coalición de 207 organizaciones...
Why traditional herders in Ethiopia are confronting the worst consequences of extreme weather
Pastoralism — the act of tending to and caring for livestock — is a tradition that embodies resilience, strength and perseverance. The practice evolved more than 6,000 years ago in response to environmental and climate variability. Traditionally, pastoralists migrate to dry areas not fit for farming,...