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Forums and community of practice


Improving communications for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Africa: How should we move forward? FSN Forum in Africa report of activity No. 16

This document summarizes the online discussion 'Improving communications for Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Africa: How should we move forward?' held on the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) from 2 to 30 June 2020. The discussion was facilitated by Scott Newman of FAO’s Regional Office for Africa in Accra, Ghana.The emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through the misuse of antimicrobial drugs is complicating the management of many infectious diseases, thus endangering animal health and welfare as well as food production. The complexity of the AMR crisis and antimicrobial pollution requires a coordinated and integrated [...]



Policy in Focus. Leveraging food systems to reduce poverty and malnutrition

Even though substantial progress has been achieved worldwide in reducing both poverty and malnutrition, much is yet to be done. There are signs that the progress made in both dimensions has stalled in recent years.Poor-quality diets have become a major driver for overweight and obesity and associated non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, and some types of cancers. Conflict and climate vulnerability have been identified as major obstacles to reaching Sustainable Development Goal targets related to malnutrition by 2030. In 2019, economic downturns and slowdowns hindered efforts even further. More recently, the COVID-19 crisis has imposed even harsher conditions [...]

Issue paper


Extraterritorial investments in agriculture in Africa: the perspectives of China and South Africa

The 2008 global food price crisis, and the resurgence of food prices in 2010-2011, caused both widespread concern and expectations. On the one hand, countries whose food supply depends on procuring food from international markets saw food price spikes as threats to their national food security. On the other hand, investors saw in these price spikes an opportunity to make profitable investments in agriculture. Either as threat or opportunity, food price spikes raised interest in Africa, whose lands are fertile and have unrealised potential. Concerns of a possible land acquisitions in Africa, and in particular the impacts of Large-Scale Land-Based [...]

Issue paper


Use of information and communications technology tools for tractor hire services in Africa

This publication discusses the role information and communications technology (ICT) plays in agricultural mechanization, which has the potential to transform and improve smallholder agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa. Although mechanization levels tend to be low in African countries, there is still evidence of demand for mechanization services from smallholder farmers, especially tractor hire services. Where such demand exists, tractor owners have formed private hiring markets to provide the required services. The main challenge is related to high transaction costs – incurred by farmers due to information distortion concerning the availability of tractor hire services and how to access them, and by [...]

Issue paper


Vulnerability of mountain peoples to food insecurity. Updated data and analysis of drivers

This study, the third of its type published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), adds further evidence that in mountain regions of developing countries, food insecurity, social isolation, environmental degradation, exposure to the risk of disasters and to the impacts of climate change, and limited access to basic services, especially in rural areas, are still prevalent and, under some circumstances, increasing. It also shows the technical challenges for producing more comprehensive and representative assessments based on scientific data, and providing a deeper understanding of the underlying factors of vulnerability of mountain people. Mountains cover 39 million [...]



Medidas legislativas destinadas a erradicar la pobreza rural. Nota de orientación jurídica para parlamentarios en América Latina y el Caribe N.o 7

Para alcanzar los ODS en América Latina y el Caribe, son necesarios territorios rurales prósperos e incluyentes: “El 78 por ciento de las 169 metas de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible dependen exclusiva o principalmente de acciones emprendidas en las zonas rurales del mundo”. Este documento abordará: i) las obligaciones de los Estados para la erradicación de la pobreza, ii) propuestas de medidas legislativas para erradicar la pobreza rural, y iii) acciones parlamentarias necesarias para promover medidas legislativas y políticas para la erradicación de la pobreza rural, y el ejemplo del "Frente Parlamentario contra el Hambre en América Latina y [...]



Protecting agricultural workers through remote COVID-19 awareness campaigns in Pakistan. Using digital media and distanced messaging to promote virus mitigation and combat misinformation

The continuing COVID-19 pandemic—and related lockdowns—triggered a massive cash crisis around the world for families who depend on informal earnings, including daily wage workers. In Pakistan, a nationwide lockdown was imposed on 21 March 2020. This had major reverberations on the food supply chain and agriculture sector, where restrictive measures threatened the livelihoods of workers and smallholder farmers. In total, as of 12 July 2020, there were 248 872 confirmed cases throughout Pakistan.Lockdown-related challenges have created new threats to public health, with communities struggling to adhere to restrictions while still securing food for their families. Overall, society’s most vulnerable and [...]

Issue paper


Series: The food system and the challenges of COVID-19. Food e-commerce: situation and perspectives

Critical analysis of the momentum that eCommerce has had in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, future perspectives and recommendations for the development of this marketing mechanism are discussed, so that it is equitable for all components of the food system. Find more COVID19-related resources here

Issue paper


Social assistance and productive support policies implementation in rural areas. Are social protection policies designed to reach the rural poor?

Many studies have provided global and regional overviews of the state of social protection policies and their importance to poverty reduction, food security and nutrition. However, little is known about how such policies are designed and implemented in rural areas, or how they complement and link to agricultural support programmes, which may cover the same geographical areas and reach similar types of beneficiaries. Both social protection and agricultural policies are needed for poverty reduction in poor rural populations. Yet coordination between the two sectors is generally limited and, until recently, little attention has been paid to their complementarities and how these [...]

Forums and community of practice


The African Continental Trade Area Agreement and agricultural development: challenges and prospects. FSN Forum in Africa report of activity No. 15

This document summarizes the online discussion The African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement and agricultural development: challenges and prospects held on the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition in Africa (FSN Forum Africa) from 5 May to 2 June 2020. The discussion was facilitated by Jean Senahoun from FAO’s Regional Office for Africa in Accra, Ghana. This online discussion aimed to exchange ideas on the challenges to and prospects for the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement in Africa’s agricultural sector and its implications for food security and nutrition. Participants shared ideas on the Trade [...]