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Issue paper


Paving the way to build the resilience of men and women. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 19-01

Despite significant recent improvements in measuring resilience, there are still relevant gaps in the analysis. One of the relatively unexplored aspects of resilience is whether a genderspecific analysis of resilience capacity can become relevant for policy use. This paper contributes to the literature on resilience by analysing a data set with one of the most adopted resilience indicators and highlighting the emerging gaps. See more FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Papers here  

Issue paper


Analyse de la résilience au Tchad. Rapport d’analyse de la resilience No. 15

En Tchad, la vulnérabilité aux événements climatiques extrêmes est amplifiée par la faiblesse des structures administratives (ministères, organismes gouvernementaux et administrations locales), par le manque de ressources humaines et financières et le manque d'efficacité des capacités d’adaptation des ménages; les impacts des changements climatiques sont ressentis dans l'agriculture, l'élevage, la pêche, la santé, le logement ainsi que dans d’autres domaines. Compte tenu de ce contexte, renforcer la capacité de résilience de la population à des chocs récurrents tout en gardant à l'esprit l'hétérogénéité régionale est un élément clé qui doit être pris en compte dans les interventions de réduction de [...]

Case study


Analyse de la résilience au Nord Kivu, la République Démocratique du Congo. Rapport d’analysede la résilience No. 13

Le rapport décrit les principaux résultats de l'analyse de résilience réalisée dans le Nord-Kivu, en République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Les agences des Nations Unies basées à Rome (ABR) qui comprennent la FAO, le PAM, et le FIDA avec l’appui du Gouvernement canadien mettent en oeuvre un programme visant à renforcer la résilience des moyens d’existence dans les contextes de crises prolongées en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), au Niger et en Somalie.  Le programme a commencé en avril 2017 et se terminera en décembre 2021. En RDC, le programme est mis en oeuvre dans le territoire de Rutshuru dans la [...]

Case study


Quelles actions politiques pour renforcer l’accès des producteurs agricoles à des engrais chimiques à prix réduits au Burkina Faso ?

A moyen terme, la sécurité alimentaire du Burkina Faso devra passer par l’augmentation de la production agricole, pour faire face à des taux de croissance démographique élevés. L’augmentation de l’utilisation de l’engrais chimique permettrait d’augmenter la production agricole. Toutefois, les niveaux d’utilisation de l’engrais chimique restent faibles au Burkina Faso et du fait de l’enclavement du pays, les prix de l’engrais chimique sont élevés  par rapport aux autres pays de la région. L’analyse a permis de mettre en évidence les facteurs explicatifs du prix élevé de l’engrais et de proposer des actions à même de limiter le prix des engrais payés [...]



FAO’s work on agricultural innovation. Sowing the seeds of transformation to achieve the SDGs

This brochure presents FAO ’s work on agricultural innovation. FAO advocates a shift from interventions focusing on single components of agricultural innovation towards a system-approach aimed at strengthening institutions and stakeholders’ networks that better respond to the needs of smallholder farmers. Agricultural innovation is the process whereby individuals or organizations bring new or existing products, processes or ways of organization into use for the first time in a specific context in order to increase effectiveness, competitiveness, resilience to shocks or environmental sustainability and thereby contribute to food security and nutrition, economic development or sustainable natural resource management. Innovation is central to [...]



Corporate Framework to support sustainable peace in the context of Agenda 2030

The objective of this corporate Framework (the ‘Framework’) is to guide the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in carrying out its mandate in its areas of competence and comparative advantage, i.e. food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture, towards a more deliberate and transformative impact on sustaining peace. Following the April 2016 Security Council and General Assembly resolutions on peacebuilding, the concept “sustaining peace” encompasses activities aimed at preventing the outbreak, escalation, continuation and recurrence of conflict, including addressing root causes and moving towards recovery, reconstruction and development. The United Nations Secretary-General has called on all UN entities to [...]



Guidance note on gender-sensitive vulnerability assessments in agriculture

This guidance note was developed to support development and humanitarian practitioners in carrying out a gender-sensitive vulnerability assessment, in order to identify and address the main sources of vulnerability of men and women in the agriculture sector. The note describes what are the main constraints that male and female farmers face in the agriculture sector, with a focus on climate change. It also provides an overview of available sources and methodologies to collect and analyze sex-disaggregated data. The specific aspects of climate change and targeted outcomes for men and women can vary widely across diverse areas, so this note discusses [...]



Overview of rural poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean. Solutions for eliminating rural poverty in the 21st century

Latin America and the Caribbean is falling short of the Sustainable Development Goal 1: Ending poverty. After two and a half decades of progress, poverty and extreme rural poverty increased by two percentage points each between 2014 and 2016. By 2017, there were an estimated 59 million poor and 27 million extreme poor in rural areas of the region. During the last 20 years, Latin America and the Caribbean has been at the forefront of global experiences in the reduction of rural poverty. The new regional context implies that the countries of the region must not only protect the progress made [...]

Issue paper


The Impact of Disasters on Agriculture and Food Security 2017

Natural disasters have cost billions of dollars in lost agricultural production. The human food chain is under continuous threat from an alarming increase in the number of outbreaks of transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases. Conflict and protracted crises are putting more and more people in conditions of poverty, food insecurity and displacement. This has become the "new normal" and the impact of climate change will further exacerbate these threats and challenges.  Agriculture often bears a disproportionate share of disaster impacts, many of which are borne directly by smallholders. As resources become increasingly scarce, objective evidence is needed to effectively [...]

Issue paper


Cash-based transfers

FAO’s cash-based programming provides assistance to smallholder farmers, rural communities and other vulnerable men and women, who are particularly exposed to the impacts of climate change, natural hazards, economic shocks, conflicts and protracted crises.  FAO uses cash-based transfers for a broad range of complementary purposes: to provide immediate relief to farmers; to strengthen livelihood resilience to future shocks; to increase agricultural production and productivity; and to support transition from humanitarian assistance to development. Cash-based programming can also enhance linkages with national social protection systems, to make them more shock-responsive.  The publication will presentthe key reasons and figures about FAO increasing use of [...]