Portal de apoyo a las políticas y la gobernanza

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Case study


Enhancing Food Security and Nutrition Policy Assistance. Lessons from Experience. Policy Assistance Series 5

Food security is still largely misconceived as exclusively a matter of increased food production. As a result, comprehensive strategic approaches to hunger reduction have been insufficient. With this in mind, in 2004, through the FAO Netherlands Partnership Programme (FNPP), FAO began assisting several countries, namely Bhutan, Cambodia, Kenya, Mozambique and Zanzibar in integrating a specific and comprehensive food security and nutrition focus into their poverty reduction strategies or other national development frameworks. Through the fruitful collaboration between FAO and counterpart governments under the FNPP, each of the above-mentioned countries is now including food security and nutrition into major national policy [...]



Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries and Aquaculture. Implementing the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries

This publication provides guidance on how to implement the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) using an ecosystem approach to fisheries and aquaculture. The CCRF is a voluntary code covering all aspects of the management and development of fisheries and is designed to ensure sustainable development without adversely affecting the livelihoods of local communities that share the same resources as the fisheries. The authors outline the basic principles of the CCRF, describe concrete steps to be taken to use the ecosystem approach effectively, and recommend certain institutional changes and reforms that will be necessary if the potential of [...]



Negotiation Theory and Practice. A Review of the Literature. EASYPol Series 179

“Pure” conflict defined as the existence of competing interests between parties in absence of interests that are shared, is an anomaly in international relations where the defining feature of the relationship between states is mutual dependence. Such was the observation of Thomas Schelling, noted international economist, during the height of the Cold War. In the decades that have since transpired, globalizing developments in technology, communications, finance and trade have given rise to a world in which citizens, organizations and governments engage in millions of trans-national interactions on a daily basis. In the modern age, the need for developing mechanisms and skills to manage daily exchanges has grown, as [...]

Issue paper


The Global Policy Environment. A Conceptual Framework. EASYPol Series 061

The focus of this issue paper is on the global decision-making process, which can be seen as the development over time of a pattern of multilateral negotiations resulting in decisions, agreements and commitments which have implications for national policy making. Major socio-political and economic changes during the past decades set that context and had far-reaching effects for policy discourse and process. The surrounding political context influenced the evolution of the policy processes, what it produced and how these outputs were received. Part of this external influence has also affected the endogenous drivers operating in the process. This paper is an annotated [...]

Issue paper


Influencing Policy Processes. Lessons from Experience. Policy Assistance Series 4

The literature available on best practices for providing policy assistance and influencing effectively national policy processes is insufficient to provide appropriate guidance to those whose work it is to help countries in shaping their policies and ensure that the advice they provide has a good chance of being adopted by governments.  Based on these premises, this study, qualitative in nature, uses the results of a review of existing literature, a consultation with 25 agencies conducting policy assistance activities and an in-depth review of 12 FAO policy assistance projects to highlight a series of good practices that can contribute to enhancing the [...]



Inequality Analysis: The Gini Index. EASYPol Series 040

This analytical tool addresses the most popular inequality index, the Gini index. It discusses its characteristics and the link with another popular graphical tool of representing inequality, the Lorenz Curve. Extended version of the Gini Index with different weighting schemes are also discussed. The use of the Gini Index and of its generalised versions is explained through a step-by-step procedure and numerical examples. For further information, see also: Charting Income Inequality. The Lorenz Curve. EASYPol Series 000 Impacts of Policies on Poverty. Basic Poverty Measures. EASYPol Series 007 Policy Impacts on Inequality: Inequality and Axioms for its Measurement. EASYPol Series 054 Policy Impacts on Inequality: [...]



Monitoring Policy Impacts (MPI). Setting up and organizing MPI. EASYPol Series 059

Once a decision is taken to establish an MPI system, this module puts forward the aspects to be considered in organizing such a system and discusses possible institutional/organizational set ups. The following four organizational options are distinguished: Setting up an MPI capacity at central government level, but not directly affiliated to a line ministry; as a special unit in a line ministry (e.g. Ministry of Agriculture); as a separate project-type unit; as an external institution (research institute, NGO, consulting firm). Each of these options has special advantages and disadvantages. Which of the options is selected depends on the policy to be monitored, on the expectations from [...]



Social Welfare Analysis of Income Distributions: Ranking Income Distributions with Generalised Lorenz Curves

This module documents calculation and use of Lorenz curves for inequality analysis. Specifically, it illustrates how Generalised Lorenz (GL) Curves can be used to identify the best income distribution on social welfare grounds within a set of alternative income distributions generated by different policy options where ordinary Lorenz curves fail to work. It is developed for capacity developent and operational purposes.



Natural Resources and Governance: Incentives for Sustainable Resource Use. Manual

The rules and enforcement mechanisms that guide and coordinate people’s behaviour have become central issues in international development cooperation. Understanding the governance framework is a precondition for successful projects and programmes also when dealing with sustainable management of natural resources. GTZ has been working in this area long before this term came to the fore. Not incidentally, governance is GTZ’s annual theme in 2004. Relative to purely technical aspects, the political and the institutional dimensions of its practical work have grown to be more and more prominent. Hence, it seems all the more important to share our experiences in governance [...]



Agricultural Development Policy. Concepts and Experiences

Agricultural Development Policy: Concepts and Experiences, prepared under the aegis of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), presents a fresh and comprehensive look at agricultural development policy. It provides a clear, systematic review of important classes of policy issues in developing countries and discusses the emerging international consensus on viable approaches to those issues. The text is unique in its coverage and depth, and it Cites policy experiences and applied studies in eighty countries. Develops the conceptual foundations for policies. Illustrates policies that have worked and those that have not, with explanations of why. Summarises hundreds [...]
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