Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

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Directives volontaires visant à assurer la durabilité de la pêche artisanale dans le contexte de la sécurité alimentaire et de l’éradication de la pauvreté

Les présentes "Directives volontaires visant à assurer la durabilité de la pêche artisanale dans le contexte de la sécurité alimentaire et de l’éradication de la pauvreté" ont été rédigées comme complément au Code de conduite de la FAO pour une pêche responsable de 1995 (le Code). Elles ont pour objet de donner des orientations complémentaires concernant la pêche artisanale dans l’esprit des principes généraux et des dispositions du Code, et ainsi de favoriser la visibilité, la reconnaissance et l’amélioration du rôle de la pêche artisanale et de contribuer aux efforts consentis sur les plans mondial et national pour éradiquer la [...]

Issue paper


An In-Depth Review of the Evolution of Integrated Public Policies to Strengthen Family Farms in Brazil. ESA Working Paper No. 15-01

From 2003, the Zero Hunger Program and subsequently, in 2011, the Brazil Without Poverty Plan, marked a deliberate convergence of the purposes and actions focused on farmers and family farmers in Brazil. This allowed simultaneous access to social policies and polices focused on agriculture and livestock activities, through a permanent set of public policies, such as rural credit, climate and income insurance, technical assistance and commercialization. This happened in parallel to affirmative actions related to gender, ethnicity and rural youth. To deal with such complex themes such as eradicating hunger and extreme poverty, the Federal Government began to integrate traditionally [...]



To LEAP out of poverty. Impacts of social protection in Ghana

The video shows the results and impacts the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) programme is having in Ghana. LEAP is a cash transfer programme for the poorest families in Ghana to reduce poverty and enhance long term human development. LEAP is managed by Ghana's Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection. The University of North Carolina and the Institute for Statistical, Social and Economic Research at the University of Ghana carried out the impact evaluation, in conjunction with UNICEF and FAO's PtoP team.

Case study


Review of Food and Agricultural Policies in Malawi. Country Report 2014

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and its national, regional and international partners are committed to monitoring and analysingfood and agricultural policies (MAFAP) in order to provide policy-makers in developing countries, as well as their development partners and other stakeholders in civil society, with the best possible information on the effects of policies and public expenditure influencing agricultural investment decisions and ultimately foodsecurity. Furthermore, MAFAP supports governments in their efforts to identify, articulate and assess options for reforming food and agriculture policies. MAFAPworks with national and regional partners to: establish a community of practice on policy [...]

Issue paper


Promoting Economic Diversification and Decent Rural Employment Towards Greater Resilience to Food Price Volatility

The poor are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of high and volatile food prices. Available evidence, while not conclusive, indicates that both urban and rural poor, including poor farmers, are particularly exposed because they are typically net buyers of food (Ivanic and Martin, 2008). Food accounts for as much as three-quarters of the expenditures of poor households in some countries.



The State of Food and Agriculture 2013. Food System for Better Nutrition

Malnutrition in all its forms - undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and overweight and obesity - imposes unacceptably high economic and social costs on countries at all income levels. "The State of Food and Agriculture 2013: Food systems for better nutrition" argues that improving nutrition and reducing these costs must begin with food and agriculture. The traditional role of agriculture in producing food and generating income is fundamental, but agriculture and the entire food system - from inputs and production, through processing, storage, transport and retailing, to consumption - can contribute much more to the eradication of malnutrition.



La résilience des moyens d'existence. Réduction des risques de catastrophe pour la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle

Par ses activités de réduction des risques de catastrophe, la FAO s’efforce de protéger les moyens d’existence contre les chocs, de rendre les systèmes de production alimentaire plus résilients et capables d’absorber l’impact d’événements perturbateurs et de s’en relever. La réduction des risques de catastrophe a pour effet de protéger les investissements consentis dans l’agriculture, l’élevage, les pêches/l’aquaculture et la forêt au service du développement, ce qui aide les plus vulnérables à accéder à la sécurité alimentaire. La réduction des risques de catastrophe est vitale pour garantir l’un des droits humains les plus fondamentaux, à savoir le droit à l’alimentation, et son [...]

Issue paper


Mobile Technologies for Agriculture and Rural Development

New information and knowledge are critical inputs for the practice of agriculture the world over. This is especially true for resource-poor farmers living in rural areas in Asia. Yet most of these farmers are not only resource poor but also information poor. Mobile technology holds great promise in delivering information to resource-poor farmers and as a consequence to improving their livelihoods. The number of mobile connections is presently six billion and growing. There are many examples of mobile-based interventions in agriculture, health, education and rural livelihood projects in Asia. Of these, however, few have moved from the pilot phase to [...]

Case study


Articulating and mainstreaming agricultural trade policy and support measures

The FAO project, Articulating and mainstreaming agricultural trade policy and support measures, was implemented during 2008-2010. With a view to maximize the contribution of trade to national development, a process has been underway in many developing countries to mainstream trade and other policies into national development strategy such as the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP). A similar process of mainstreaming is strongly advocated, and underway, for trade-related support measures, inc luding through the Aid for Trade initiative. In view of this, there is a high demand for information, analyses and advice on best approaches to undertaking these tasks. It was [...]