Action mondiale en faveur des services de pollinisation pour une agriculture durable, lancée par la FAO

Action Against Desertification

Along with on-the-ground restoration activities, Action Against Desertification (AAD) is an EU-ACP project that supports local communities in six African countries (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Gambia, Niger, Nigeria and Senegal – as well as in Fiji and Haiti) promotes the diversification of economic activities by reinforcing Non-Timber Forest Products value chains directly linked to restoration. Beekeeping for honey production in particular has been selected and prioritised by all communities across the board in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific to provide an incentive in protecting and managing flowering trees, grasses and shrubs.

In addition to promoting the honey value chain in all the project intervention areas, AAD is supporting:

  1. communities in carrying out large-scale restoration of degraded lands using well-adapted native species, including melliferous species as bee forage plants such as acacias, baobab, tamarinds, and other trees and shrubs, and 
  2. the development of honey producing enterprises. Appropriate equipment and trainings on beekeeping and honey production are provided to farmers, helping them increase yields in honey production and enhancing pollination while encouraging them to look after planted areas and better manage and protect the remaining resources. Equipment includes modern hives, tools, protection clothing, as well as honey extractors and storage tanks.

Visit the dedicated website here.