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Прямая защита права на достаточное питание
Косвенная защита права на достаточное питание
Директивные принципы государственной политики
Национальный статус международных обязательств
Другие соответствующие положения для осуществлении права на достаточное питание
112 стран найдено


Косвенная защита права на достаточное питание

Article 12: "Every human being has the right to development, to the physical, intellectual, moral and cultural fulfillment of their person."

Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article 50: "The rights and duties, stated in the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man and in the international instruments relative to the Rights of Man, ratified by Togo, are an integral part of this Constitution." 

Article 140: "The treaties or agreements regularly ratified or approved have, on their publication, an authority superior to the laws, under reserve, for each agreement or treaty, of its application by the other party."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 10: "Every human being carries within them inalienable and imprescriptible rights. The safeguarding of these rights is the objective of any human community. The State has the obligation to respect them, to guarantee them and to protect them."

Article 34: “The State recognizes to the citizens the right to health. It works to promote it."

Article 38: “The right to an equitable redistribution of the national wealth by the State is recognized to the citizens and to the territorial collectivities."


Косвенная защита права на достаточное питание

Article 21: "All citizens, male and female, have equal rights and duties, and are equal before the law without any discrimination. The state guarantees freedoms and individual and collective rights to all citizens, and provides all citizens the conditions for a dignified life."

Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article 20: "International agreements approved and ratified by the Assembly of the Representatives of the People have a status superior to that of laws and inferior to that of the Constitution."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 38: "Health is a right for every human being. The state shall guarantee preventative health care and treatment for every citizen and provide the means necessary to ensure the safety and quality of health services. The state shall ensure free health care for those without means and those with limited income. It shall guarantee the right to social assistance in accordance with the law.”


Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article 6: “[...]Turkmenistan recognizes the priority of the universally accepted norms of international law. If an international treaty (contract) of Turkmenistan establishes rules other than those stipulated by the laws of Turkmenistan, the rules of international treaty will apply.[...]”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 3.2: “The state is responsible for every citizen and creates conditions for free development of the individual, protects the life, honour, dignity and freedom, personal integrity, natural and inalienable rights of the citizen.”

Article 33: “Citizens have the right to work, choice of profession at their own discretion, sort of employment and place of work, to safe and healthy working conditions. Wage earners are entitled to compensation, appropriate to amount and quality of work. This compensation cannot be less than the subsistence minimum established by the state.”


Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article 90: “International agreements duly put into effect bear the force of law. No appeal to the Constitutional Court shall be made with regard to these agreements, on the grounds that they are unconstitutional. In the case of a conflict between international agreements in the area of fundamental rights and freedoms duly put into effect and the domestic laws due to differences in provisions on the same matter, the provisions of international agreements shall prevail.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 5: “The fundamental aims and duties of the state are; to safeguard the independence and integrity of the Turkish Nation, the indivisibility of the country, the Republic and democracy; to ensure the welfare, peace, and happiness of the individual and society; to strive for the removal of political, social and economic obstacles which restrict the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual in a manner incompatible with the principles of justice and of the social state governed by the rule of law; and to provide the conditions required for the development of the individual’s material and spiritual existence.”

Article 49: “Everyone has the right and duty to work. The State shall take the necessary measures to raise the standard of living of workers, and to protect workers and the unemployed in order to improve the general conditions of labour, to promote labour, to create suitable economic conditions for prevention of unemployment and to secure labour peace.”

Article 55: “Wages shall be paid in return for work.  The state shall take the necessary measures to ensure that workers earn a fair wage commensurate with the work they perform and that they enjoy other social benefits. In determining the minimum wage, the living conditions of the workers and the economic situation of the country shall be taken into account.”

Article 61: “The state shall protect the widows and orphans of those killed in war and in the line of duty, together with the disabled and war veterans, and ensure that they enjoy a decent standard of living.”


Прямая защита права на достаточное питание

Article 48: “Everyone shall have the right to a standard of living sufficient for themselves and their families including adequate nutrition, clothing, and housing.”

Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article 9: “International treaties in force, consented by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as binding, shall be an integral part of the national legislation of Ukraine.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 3.2: “Human rights and freedoms, and guarantees thereof shall determine the essence and course of activities of the State. The State shall be responsible to the individual for its activities. Affirming and ensuring human rights and freedoms shall be the main duty of the State.”

Article 46: “Citizens shall have the right to social protection including the right to financial security in cases of complete, partial, or temporary disability, loss of the principal wage-earner, unemployment due to circumstances beyond their control, old age, and in other cases determined by law. This right shall be guaranteed by the mandatory state social insurance based on insurance payments made by citizens, enterprises, institutions, and organisations, as well as by budgetary and other sources of social security; and by establishing a network of state, communal, and private institutions caring for incapacitated persons. 
Pensions and other types of social payments and assistance that are the principal sources of subsistence shall ensure a standard of living not lower than the minimum living standard established by law.”


Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article 55: “Treaties or agreements duly ratified or approved shall, upon publication, prevail over Acts of Parliament, subject, with respect to each agreement or treaty, to its application by the other party.”


Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article 140: “International agreements concluded and ratified in accordance with the Constitution and made public, and which are in force, shall be part of the internal legal order of the Republic of Croatia and shall be above law in terms of legal effects. ”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 3: “Freedom, equal rights, national and gender equality, peace-making, social justice, respect for human rights, inviolability of ownership, conservation of nature and the environment, the rule of law and a democratic multiparty system are the highest values of the constitutional order of the Republic of Croatia.”

Article 55: “Every employee shall have the right to a fair remuneration, such as to ensure a free and decent standard of living to him and his family..”

Article 57: “The State shall ensure the right to assistance for weak, helpless and other persons unable to meet their basic needs owing to unemployment or incapacity to work.”

Article 62: “The State shall protect maternity, children and young people, and shall create social, cultural, educational, material and other conditions promoting the right to a decent life.”

Article 69: “Everyone shall have the right to a healthy life.”

Центральноафриканская Республика

Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article 94: "The Agreements or Treaties regularly ratified or approved have, on their publication, an authority superior to that of the laws, under reserve, for each agreement or treaty, of its application by the other party."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 1.2 : "The Republic recognizes the existence of the Rights of Man as the basis for all human community, of peace and of justice in the world."

Article 11: "The Republic guarantees to every citizen the right to work, to a healthy environment, to rest and to recreation within the conditions established by the law. It assures to them the conditions favorable for their development through an efficient policy of employment."


Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article 225: "The Treaties or Agreements regularly ratified have, on their publication, an authority superior to that of the national laws, under reserve for each Agreement or Treaty of its application by the other party." (article 222 in the 1996 version)

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 41: "The family is the natural and moral base of society. The State and the decentralized territorial collectivities have a duty to see to the well-being of the family." (article 37 in the 1996 version)

Article 43: "The State and the decentralized territorial collectivities create conditions for the fulfillment and well-being of youth." (article 39 in the 1996 version)


Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article 10: “Promulgated treaties, to the ratification of which Parliament has given its consent and by which the Czech Republic is bound, form a part of the legal order; if a treaty provides something other than that which a statute provides, the treaty shall apply.”

Article 10a:

(1) Certain powers of Czech Republic authorities may be transferred by treaty to an international organization or institution.

(2) The ratification of a treaty under paragraph 1 requires the consent of Parliament, unless a constitutional act provides that such ratification requires the approval obtained in a referendum."

Article 49: "The assent of both chambers of Parliament is required for the ratification of treaties: a. affecting the rights or duties of persons; b. of alliance, peace, or other political nature; c. by which the Czech Republic becomes member of an international organization; d. of general economic nature; e. concerning additional matters, the regulation of which is reserved to statute.



Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 1: (1) The Czech Republic is a sovereign, unitary, and democratic state governed by the rule of law, founded on respect for the rights and freedoms of man and of citizens. (2) The Czech Republic shall observe its obligations resulting from international law."

Article 26: “(3) Everybody has the right to acquire the means of her livelihood by work. The State shall provide an adequate level of material security to those citizens who are unable, through no fault of their own, to exercise this right; conditions shall be provided for by law.”

Article 30: 
(1) Citizens have the right to adequate material security in old age and during periods of work incapacity, as well as in the case of the loss of their provider.
(2) Everyone who suffers from material”