SAVE FOOD: Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction

FAO-RUAF Programme’s final event on assessing and planning sustainable city region food systems

19 October 2017 
Valencia, Spain

FAO and RUAF Foundation will host the closing event of their joint programme on assessing and planning sustainable city region food systems (CRFS). The programme provides assistance to local governments in identifying and understanding gaps, bottlenecks and opportunities for sustainable planning of food policies and strategies to improve urban food systems with strong rural urban linkages. Moreover, the experiences in different pilot city regions are brought together in a toolkit that other city regions can use in assessing and planning their food systems.

This event will be held in conjunction with The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) 3rd Annual Gathering and Mayors’ Summit, which will be held in Valencia, Spain, at the Valencia Conference Centre on 19-21 October 2017.

The final event will include the following sessions:
- Results from 7 pilot cities (Medellin, Colombo, Lusaka, Kitwe, Quito, Toronto and Utrecht)
- Presentation of the web-based City region food systems (CRFS) assessment toolkit
- Discussion on the role of food system assessment and monitoring in local food policy formulation and implementation

The event will bring together food policy makers from cities around the world, key experts on urban and regional food policies and representatives from international organizations.

Related resources

City Region Food Systems and Food Waste Management: linking urban and rural areas for sustainable and resilient development

Food for the cities programme -  building food secure and resilient city regions