SAVE FOOD: Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction

First Global Conference of the 10YFP Sustainable Food Systems Programme

21 - 23 June 2017
Pretoria, South Africa

The theme of the conference is “Sustainable Food Systems for all – Catalyzing Change through MultiStakeholder Action”. The conference will explore innovative multi-stakeholder approaches to tackle food systems challenges in general, and discuss the need of ensuring sustainable food systems in the face of a changing climate and growing urbanization in the African context more specifically. Reduction of food losses and waste is one of the themes included in the list of work areas. 

This conference will help catalyze new multi-stakeholder collaborations and initiatives to addreass core issues for more sustainable food systems, including:

  • Sustainable food system priorities in Africa
  • Sustainable diets
  • Food loss and waste
  • Food and agricultural value chains
  • Resilient food production systems


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