Portal de Suelos de la FAO

12th International Conference on the biochemistry of Trace elements

The 12th ICOBTE (International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements) will convene on June 16-20, 2013 at the Georgia Center’s UGA Hotel and Conference Center at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA. This biennial event brings together students, professionals, and industry dealing with the source, fate and effects, and pathways of trace elements and metalloids in the environment, with emphasis on their biogeochemistry. Special session topics focus on a range of issues, including trace element and radionuclide bioavailability, toxicity, and chemical speciation, as well as the fate and transport of environmental nano-particles. To date there have been approximately 400 submissions representing 47 countries.
- 20 Jun 2013
Athens, Georgia - USA