Sensing Plant Water Status - Methods and Applications in Horticultural Science

In horticulture, water has always been important and, in many cases, a rare resource. Improved methods to evaluate water use efficiency but also the actual water needs of plants are essential for better understanding of horticultural production. 

Also in postharvest, water is an important aspect. Excessive water losses may lead to unnecessary loss of freshness, increased waste and hence economic and social problems. Again, comprehensive understanding of basics of plant water status may help to better optimise postharvest condition during harvest, in storage and also during processing. Certainly, the precise knowledge of the physiological basics of all aspects of plants water status is essential but also knowledge and experiences on measuring techniques are targets for the agricultural community. 

The present symposium will provide a platform to exchange findings on established and new methods - considering the fundamentals of the methodology as well as helpful hints achieved in applications. 

ISHS student award will be given to a student, who presented and is the first author of his/her work. Students should be enrolled in a university or college and can be undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate (limited to 6 month after finishing the program of study), and with an age limit of 35. Application necessary at the registration desk during the symposium.

- 07 Oct 2016
Potsdam, Germany