الغذاء المستدام والزراعة


المنتدى العالمي السابع للمياه ينطلق في كوريا الجنوبية

12 April 2015

يعقد المنتدى العالمي للمياه في مدينتي دايغو وغيونغبك بكوريا الجنوبية، في الفترة من 12 إلى 17 أبريل/نيسان 2015، حول موضوع "المياه من أجل مستقبلنا"

Water is vital for our survival, not only for drinking but also in food production. “Water for our future” is the theme of the 7th World Water Forum that takes place in Daegu and Gyeongbuk, South Korea, 12-17 April 2015. The international fair, which is organized every three years, brings together various stakeholders, including governments, international organizations, NGOs, civil society and research institutes, to discuss global water challenges.
Every crop, from rice and wheat to coffee beans and bananas, needs water to grow. For example, it requires about 70 liters of water to produce a tomato and as much as 70 liters for an apple. Livestock, fisheries and aquaculture are also very much dependent on water. However, the world is suffering from water scarcity and factors such as climate change and population growth will only put more pressure on an already limited resource.
To ensure food security, it is necessary to apply more efficient and sustainable ways to manage the Earth’s water resources.
The World Water Forum in Korea is addressing the water challenge from various perspectives, with special focus on the implementation of solutions identified during the previous editions of the World Water Forum.The key issues that will be discussed are: Water Security for All; Water for Development and Prosperity; Water for Sustainability: Harmonizing Humans and Nature; Constructing Feasible Implementation Mechanisms.
FAO Land and Water Division will be involved in several events under the titles: Shared Vision and Framework for Action on Groundwater Governance; How can we achieve a water and food secure future?; The Water-Energy Food Nexus: Are we finally talking?; Adapting to change for sustainable water use in agriculture and Water for Food.
More than 20 000 people from about 200 countries are expected to participate in the 6 days fair that is organized by the World Water Council and the Republic of Korea together with the city of Daegu and the Province of Gyeongbuk.

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