Opening Event
Photos of the Conference
34th session - Mexico City, Mexico, 29 February - 3 March 2016
The 34th session of the FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean will be held in Mexico City from February 29 to March 3, 2016. Thanks to the enormous efforts made by its countries, Latin America and the Caribbean is the only region in the world that has reached both the hunger reduction goals of the World Food Summit as well as the Millennium Development Goals.
Due to social and economic advancements, as well as gains in production, Latin America and the Caribbean is at a key moment of its history. Ministers of Agriculture, Environment and Social Development, and government representatives from 33 countries will participate in the conference, which will focus on the challenges and prospects for food and nutrition security in the region, conducting a review of the measures that led to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals to the challenges they face towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals.
Participants will also discuss the challenges in the transformation of the rural sector and the sustainable use of natural resources, risk management, adaptation to climate change and South-South cooperation among countries in the region.
During the Conference, there will also be a meeting with civil society, peasant and indigenous organizations, NGOs, intergovernmental organizations, regional integration organizations and other UN agencies.
Participating Governments will also analyze FAO activities in the region during the biennium 2014-2015 and will set priorities for FAO action for the period 2016-2017.
Twitter hashtag: #LARC34
FAO Press release
- 3th March 2016, FAO - Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean reaffirm their determination to fight hunger
- 1st March 2016, FAO - FAO Director General: Latin America and the Caribbean is on track to eradicate hunger and poverty
- 26 February 2016, FAO - Governments from Latin America and the Caribbean will strengthen their fight against hunger at the FAO Regional Conference
- 5 March 2016, Kaieteur News, Guyana - Latin America and the Caribbean determined to fight hunger
- 3 March 2016, El Mundo, Costa Rica - Director regional de la FAO, Raúl Benítez: “Hay que dejar de llamar asistencialismo a lo que es un derecho”
- 3 March 2016, Globovision, Venezuela - FAO subraya rol de legumbres contra el hambre en Latinoamérica
- 2 March 2016, Prensa Latina, Cuba - Acabar con la pobreza y el hambre es lo más importante, FAO
- 2 March 2016, El Sol de México, México - Tenemos el compromiso moral de hacer del campo un espacio de vida digna: Peña Nieto
- 1 March 2016, Vanguardia, México - Seguridad alimentaria es “prioridad estratégica”: Peña Nieto
- 1° March 2016, Jornais Noticias, Brasil - América Latina deve capitalizar papel como potência agroalimentar, diz FAO
- 29 February 2016, Terra, Brasil - FAO alerta para aumento da obesidade na América Latina
- 29 February 2016, TeleSur, Venezuela - FAO reunirá a Ministros de Agricultura
- 29 February 2016, AVN, Venezuela - Desde este lunes se realiza en México la 34° Conferencia Regional de la FAO
- 29 February 2016, La Prensa, Nicaragua - FAO advierte aumento de obesidad en América Latina
- 29 February 2016, TeleSur, Venezuela - FAO reunirá a Ministros de Agricultura
- 27 February 2016, Jornal dia a dia, Brasil - Países da América Latina e Caribe debatem segurança alimentar e nutricional
- 27 February 2016, Panamá América, Panamá - FAO presentará a la región una iniciativa para disminuir la pobreza
- 26 February 2016, La Prensa, Panamá - La región progresa en la lucha contra el hambre
- 26 February 2016, Terra, México - Seguridad alimentaria será el tema principal en conferencia de FAO en México
- 25 February 2016, Terra, Chile - Malnutrición y pobreza extrema, asignaturas pendientes de A. Latina, dice FAO
- 24 February 2016, El Universal, Venezuela - Por una región sin hambre
- 19 February 2016, CINU - México será sede de la Conferencia Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe
Request for interviews prior, during or after the conference should be requested/coordinated through Ms. Benjamín Labatut (Mexican media) or Ms. Maria Santacreu (International media)
Graphic materials have been uploaded into Flickr prior to the Conference for your convenience. To access the picture set, please follow
a playlist with videos from the FAO has been set to be used for communications related to the conference
- Adoniram Sánchez - Desafíos y perspectivas para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en América Latina y el Caribe: de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODM) a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) Docs. LARC/16/2
- Deep Ford - Transformation of the rural sector in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
- Panel - Retos para el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales, la gestión de riesgos y la adaptación al cambio climático en América Latina y el Caribe dentro del nuevo marco de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (Documento LARC/16/4)
- Comisión de Pesca Continental y Acuicultura para América Latina y el Caribe
- Informe de la Comisión Forestal para América Latina y el Caribe (COFLAC) en LARC34
- Intervención de Monseñor Fernando Chica Arellano de la Santa Sede
Sustainable FAO
During the session a lot of energy (lighting, air conditioning, projector, sound, etc...) is used. This energy use has an impact on our environment and estimates that the event will issue a full 97kg of CO2 to the atmosphere. We have a serious commitment to the environment and health of people, and therefore we are committed to measure and offset the carbon emitted as urban reforestation on the outskirts.