Bureau régional de la FAO pour l'Afrique
    WHAT:      Workshop on Microbiological Risk Assessments a new tool to inform actions and decisions aimed at improving food safety   WITH:        Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry                 Ministry of Health and Social Services Food and Agriculture Organization - UN International Life Science Institute - SA   WHEN:       Tuesday, 9 June 2015, 8.30  - 10.30 a.m.   WHERE:     Safari...
FAO's 197 Members will meet from 6-13 June for the 39th biennial FAO Conference, the highest governing body of the Organization. Over 130 ministers and 14 heads of state or government are expected to attend. The Conference will elect the FAO Director-General for a four-year term and set the Organization's budget...
Publié simultanément avec l'édition 2015 de l'État de l'insécurité alimentaire dans le monde (SOFI 2015), le premier rapport de la FAO sur l'Afrique intitulé « ‘Vue d’ensemble régionale de l’insécurité alimentaire en Afrique subsaharienne – Des perspectives plus favorables que jamais » présente les résultats clés sur l'évolution des chiffres de la...
14 Universities and institution in Ghana express interest in FAO Education for Effective Nutrition in Action course 1-5 June 2015, Accra, Ghana --The University of Ghana has partnered with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United (FAO) in holding a Training of Trainers workshop for West Africa’s future nutritionists on promoting...
Full summary of IDF 2015 events in Africa, including the AU two-day celebratio:,  http://forestry.fao.msgfocus.com/files/amf_fao/project_59/April_2015/IDF_2015_round-up-Africa-Rev23-04-1.pdf Source: inFO news 29 April.