El Colegio de Michoacán (COLMICH)

The college was founded in Zamora, average city in northwestern Michoacán, Mexico, responding to the need to create centers of academic development in the providence.
The college began with two centers: Estudios Antropológicos and Estudios Históricos (Anthropological Studies and Historical Studies). Four years later the college counted with two more centers: Estudios Rurales and Estudio de las Tradiciones (Studies Rural and Traditions’ Study. In 2001 the college is extended to the nearby town of La Piedad, where established the Centro de Estudios Arqueológicos (Archaelogical Studies) and over there in 2002 is created the Centro de Estudios de Geografía Humana (Center of Human Geography Study).
The vocation to regional studies, which go beyond state lines, comes from the beginnings of the institution. The topics of research, plant research-professors and students are from different parts of the Mexican Republic and abroad.
Tipo Academia
Website https://www.colmich.edu.mx/
Estado Activo


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Last ingestion date
18 Oct 2024