AGROVOC Meetings


Since 2018, the editorial community has met twice to consider new technical possibilities and set priorities for the further development of AGROVOC. A June 2018 meeting in Utrecht (The Netherlands), organized jointly with the Land Portal Foundation, brought together 25 participants from 18 institutions in 14 countries to review the status of editorial policies and prepare an upgrade of the VocBench platform. 

In June 2019 the AGROVOC editorial meeting, hosted by the German Association for Technology and Structures in Agriculture (KTBL) in Darmstadt (Germany), brought together 33 editors and stakeholders from 16 countries and 13 language areas.  

The third meeting of AGROVOC Editors was held online, in June 2020, with twenty-five participants representing institutions from the AGROVOC Editorial Community. The purposes of the meeting were to reinforce the AGROVOC editorial community, invite institutions to curate new languages and new topics, outline new technical possibilities, and set priorities for the next few years. 

The fourth meeting of AGROVOC Editors was held online, in June 2021, with over 50 participants representing 30 institutions from the AGROVOC Editorial Community.

The fifth Annual AGROVOC Editorial Community Meeting took place online on Tuesday 19 July 2022, bringing together 50 participants from more than 20 countries and organizations. The main objectives of the meeting were to revise the work carried out during the last months and to define priorities for the next ones. The annual meeting covered latest updates, ongoing collaboration with networks and consortia, and a panel session about the use of vocabularies as research Data Interoperability framework.

The sixth Annual AGROVOC Editorial Community Meeting took place on 13-14 July 2023 in Freising, Germany. It was a hybrid event, where 44 members representing the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia participated in the event both in person and remotely. The main goal of the meeting was to enhance interaction within the editorial community and establish priorities for the upcoming year. The topics discussed during the meeting included priorities for 2023/2024, improved usage statistics services for editors, outreach activities and upcoming online courses, and work on content gaps and quality assurance. The meeting emphasized the significance of outreach activities and collaboration with user communities, particularly in Latin America.

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